
Leora Rodrig, Ina Blau, Tamar Shamir-Inbal 21E • Device limitations (n=7) • Technical difficulties (n=19) • Costly tools (n=10) connection just isn't fast enough to make this work properly." (T1) "The school's bandwidth can't handle many users at once. The computer lab is a mess…login issues, and the laptops are either broken or not charged. It’s discouraging for teachers. Kids have to share computers, often two or three per device, and I sometimes have to bring my own laptop." (T7) "There are tools, but without payment, they're very limited… when my students used Ruby Bot for images, they quickly hit the limit—5 images without an email, 10 with it. They were so excited and used up their quota fast, so I had to switch to a different tool." (T3) TPD and Environmental support (n=25) • Administrative support issues (n=11) • Staff resistance to change (n=14) "The school administration, subject coordinator, grade-level coordinator – they're not interested at all. As far as they're concerned, I teach, and they don't care what I do in my lessons. They're just not interested." (T8) ".. not all teachers are on board with this whole thing… Old teaching methods – it always takes time for them to change." (T6) Sub-category 3.2: GenAI-Specific Barriers (n=68) Prompt Crafting Challenges (n=10) "The biggest challenge is learning to write the right prompt to get the desired result. Teaching kids how to do it was really tough— they had to keep adjusting things just to search for images with AI. It’s not as simple as using Google, and it was really hard." (T2) Content Reliability Concerns (n=5) "Everything has become so easy with it - creating completely fake images or completely fabricated material. It can be amazing, but it can also be a really harsh and harmful tool." (T4) Policy Restrictions for GenAI Use (n=18) "Since I teach in an elementary school, there are a lot of… restrictions about what we can expose the students to. Therefor it hasn't really changed anything in my teaching methods..." (T3) Attitudes Toward GenAI (n=35) • Fear of AI (n=12) • Staff Negative Reactions (n=17) • Student Negative Reactions (n=6) "Teachers are really scared of this whole AI thing. You just mention AI and they immediately put up this wall, they don't want to hear about it. 'What, soon I'll be talking to robots? Like, am I not good enough? I'm a teacher with plenty of experience!'" (T2) "And other teachers are really worried, saying 'No, students will cheat, we need to run away from this, we need to shut it down, not allow it…" (T8) "Those who weren't interested, well, I didn't push them. I've actually encountered students who flat-out said they don't want to deal with AI because they feel it's making their brain cells deteriorate." (T8)