
52 E Simulations Storybook: Supporting Young Children’s Growing Understanding of Complex Systems (Short paper) Table 1. Coding Table of System Concepts Systems Concepts Example Level-Micro Hmm each [marble] collided with one marble. (Box task). Level-Macro Everyone just goes to the sides [of the yard]. (Scatter task). Levels- Transition Only the black [marble] moved everyone. (Box task). Emergence [Researcher: Canyou explain to me how they [the marables] are breaking down?] Hmmm I see they [the marbles] collide [into each other]and after that , they collide with the box and after that they start to break down. (Box task). Mid-level [Researcher: What behavior is there [of the sand grains?] Some [sand grains go] right, some [sand grains go left, some [sand grains go] backwards, and some [sand grains go] forward. (Sand task) Interactions They [the marbles] collide. (Box task). Parallel-Events No Example. Control Ask the kindergarten teacher [for permission]. (Room task.) Predictability No Example. Non-Linearity Hmm [the sand hill] was big and then [the sand hill] fell a little and then [the sand hill] became smaller. (Sand task). Equilibration That the pile [of sand] also falls down from the pipe and then [the pipe] drops another pile and another [pile of sand] and another [pile of sand] until [the sand hill] drops. (Sand task). Rates and Flows No Example. Table 2 . Frequency of systems concepts in the children's pretest and posttest interviews Domain Overall Physical Social Significant domain differences Systems Concepts Pretest M ( SD) Posttest M (SD) Pretest M ( SD ) Posttest M (SD) Pretest M (SD) Posttest M (SD ) Level- Micro 8.53 (2.39) 9.87 (2.42) 4.13 (1.51) 5.07 (2.02) 4.40 (1.92) 4.80 (1.47) - Level- Macro 9.53 (2.64) 9.53 (2.77) 5.53 (1.85) 5.00 (1.73) 3.80 (1.42) 4.53 (1.77) Physical > Social