60 E Technological Interface Components That Support Accelerated Learning (Poster) utilizes background cognitive and emotional stimuli to accelerate and enhance the learning process. Further research should be conducted to evaluate the accelerated learning method in an immersive and interactive environment utilizing other frameworks and populations. The current study compares pre- and post-learning measurements through a 2D and VR environment and did not examine the differences between the groups with and without stimuli. Perhaps future studies will see fit to utilize a control group to compare and evaluate the various methods. Keywords: Accelerated learning; Acquisition of foreign language; Lozanov model; Computer aided instruction; Virtual reality. References Garcia-Argibay, M.; Santed, M.A.; Reales, J.M. (2017). Binaural auditory beats affect long-term memory. Psychol. Res. , 83 , 1124–1136. Hein, R.M.; Wienrich, C.; Latoschik, M.E. (2021 ). A systematic review of foreign language learning with immersive technologies (2001–2020). AIMS Electron. Electr. Eng. , 5 , 117–145. Lozanov, G. Suggestopedia Principal ; Krippner, S., Ed.; (2005). Taylor & Francis e-Library: Abingdon, UK. Palmeira, E.G.Q.; Saint Martin, V.B.; Gonçalves, V.B.; Moraes, Í.A.; Lamounier Júnior, E.A.; Cardoso, A. (2020 ). The Use of Immersive Virtual Reality for Vocabulary Acquisition: A Systematic Literature Review. Cbie , 532–541. Passig, D.; Eshel Kedmi, G.; Aharoni, A. (2024). Technological Interface Components That Support Accelerated Learning in the Acquisition of Foreign Language Vocabulary. Appl. Sci. , 14 , 10436. Tai, T.Y.; Chen, H.H.J.; Todd, G. (2022) . The impact of a virtual reality app on adolescent EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. Comput. Assist. Lang. Learn. , 35 , 892–917. Tfazoli, D.; Huertas, C.; Gomez, E. (2019). Technology-Based Review on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Chronological Perspective. Rev. Medios Educ. , 54 , 29–43. Available online : (accessed on 26 January 2023). Yi, S.; Li, W.; Zhang, Y.; Shadiev, R. (2024). Exploring the impact of technology on foreign language learning: A multivariate meta–meta-analysis study. Educ. Technol. Res. Dev. .
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