
Kalanit Baranes, Noam Lapidot-Lefler, Ina Blau E65 Proceedings of the 20th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Digital Era D. Olenik-Shemesh, I. Blau, N. Geri, A. Caspi, Y. Sidi, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, Y. Kalman, E. Rabin (Eds.), Ra'anana, Israel: The Open University of Israel Online Coaching as a Space for Developing Teachers' Social- Emotional Skills: A Reexamination of the Media Naturalness Theory (Poster) Kalanit Baranes The Open University of Israel Noam Lapidot-Lefler Oranim – Academic College of Education; University of Haifa Ina Blau The Open University of Israel אימון מקוון כמרחב לפיתוח מיומנויות חברתיות - רגשיות של מורים: בחינה מחודשת של תיאוריית טבעיות המדיה )פוסטר( אינה בלאו האוניברסיטה הפתוחה נעם לפידות - לפלר המכללה האקדמית לחינוך אורנים ; אוניברסיטת חיפה כלנית ברנס האוניברסיטה הפתוחה Abstract This study explores the contribution of online personal coaching to the development of social- emotional learning (SEL) skills among teachers, their perceptions of these skills, and the implementation of SEL principles in classroom teaching. The research is framed within the Media Naturalness Theory (MNT; Kock, 2005), which posits that technology-mediated communication is inherently less natural and thus potentially less effective than face-to-face interactions. This study investigates whether this theoretical prediction holds true in the context of online coaching for teachers' SEL skill development in the post-pandemic era. SEL skills, encompassing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making (Durlak et al., 2011), have become a cornerstone of educational systems worldwide, particularly after changes introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic (Lapidot-Lefler, 2022; Williamson, 2021). Teachers’ mastery of SEL skills is recognized as pivotal to fostering student success (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). While online personal coaching has emerged as an effective professional development tool (Knight, 2019), its compatibility with the principles of MNT in educational contexts remains understudied. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating data triangulation from 17 teacher interviews, 18 coach interviews, 12 teacher-written reflections, and 8 classroom observations. The thematic analysis revealed three primary themes: professional and personal growth, transformative shifts in educational practices, and the distinctive benefits of the virtual coaching space. Contrary to MNT predictions, findings indicated that the online environment created a safe, supportive setting that encouraged openness and vulnerability—key elements for developing SEL skills. Teachers reported notable improvements in self-awareness, emotional regulation, and conflict-resolution skills. Rather than hindering communication, the virtual distance fostered deeper sharing and reflective dialogue.