70E Learning Techniques in Achieving Academic Success Among Students with Disabilities (Poster) attribute their academic success primarily to effective learning strategies and support from both social networks and formal academic structures. Smartphones, laptops, and AI applications are perceived as essential tools for ensuring their full inclusion in the academic environment. These findings underscore the need for further research on the application of AI for SWD across diverse educational systems. The implications of these findings are significant for university staff and disability support services, highlighting the importance of integrating such technologies into institutional frameworks to enhance accessibility and academic achievement. Keywords: Students with disabilities, Assistive technologies (AT), Artificial intelligence (AI). מילות מפתח : סטודנטים עם מוגבלויות, טכנולוגיות מסייעות, בינה מלאכותית . References Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., King, L., Havel, A., Heiman, T., Olenik-Shemesh, D., & Kaspi- Tsahor, D. (2019). Mobile technologies that help post-secondary students succeed: A pilot study of Canadian and Israeli professionals and students with disabilities. International Research in Higher Education, 4(3). 35-50. Koren, C. (2023). A Complex Unit Interviews Analysis Approach in Qualitative Social Work Research. The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 53, Issue 6, September 2023, Pages 3258–3276, Taneja-Johansson, S. (2021). Facilitators and barriers along pathways to higher education in Sweden: a disability lens. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 28(3), 311–325. Yenduri, G., Kaluri, R., Rajput, D. S., Lakshmanna, K., Gadekallu, T. R., Mahmud, M., & Brown, D. J. (2023). From assistive technologies to metaverse—Technologies in inclusive higher education for students with specific learning difficulties: A review. IEEE access, 11, 64907- 64927. https://doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3289496
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