
The Open University Gallery Artistic director: Dr. Hava Aldouby, Department of Language, Literature and the Arts Place/Non-Place: Ronen Sharabani meets Micha Ullman January – March 2020 Exhibition Curators: Carmit Blumensohn | Hava Aldouby Production and management: Malka Azaria Installation: Yossi Morad Technical management: Idan Gahozi, Regev Kashti, Liron Parnas Catalog Editor: Yael Unger English translation: Tova Shany English Editor: Lillian Cohen Graphic design and production: Ilana Broitman-Akselrod Copyediting: Nili Brenner Photography: Micha Ullman, Ronen Sharabani, Carmit Blumensohn, Avraham Hay, Avi Amsalem, Daniel Rachamim Cover images – top: Ronen Sharabani, Virtual Territories #2 , 2019 (detail); bottom: Micha Ullman, Glasses , 2004 (detail) Works in the catalog © the artists Catalog design and production: The Open University Publishing House © 2020 The Open University Gallery The Dorothy de Rothchild Campus of The Open University of Israel, 1 University Road, POB 808, Ra'anana 4353701 Tel 09-7782222; *3500 Supported by