
E9 In Plummets (2020), the swing of the plummets is accompanied by Ullman's voice uttering a sentence. Its overlapping repetitions pile up until they become unintelligible. Then the sounds gradually synchronize, and the words begin to ring out clearly: "Let the sensations speak. Let the sensations speak." The worlds of emotion and logic are bound together. The sound moves up and down, becomes murky and clears up, spins and straightens. Its movements correspond to the spatial motion of the pendulums; a strong, dominant, noticeable movement. This is a journey between conversation and its echoes; and its careful refinement. A meeting between plummet and pendulum The essence of a plummet, a tool that verifies the upright position of a wall, lies in its tendency to reach a static state. To be fully effective, it must be motionless. In contrast, the essence of a pendulum is mobility and movement. The plummet and the pendulum contrast each other. In fact, on the way to finding the ultimate solution, the plummet demonstrates the full range of possible errors and all the answers. The answer is not absolute; rather, it serves as a thinking tool. The swinging plummet moves in and out of synchronization with the line of plummets. It is a metaphor for discourse. Posing questions and providing answers "All my life I have worked [...] on the relations between opposites and on posing questions." 2 Ullman's works are characterized by ambiguous statements and open questions that call for interpretation: "My job is to raise questions that are as good as possible." 3 His work aspires for reduction; for refining an idea down to its core. He reduces universal forms – a chair, a house, a hole in the ground, a glass – to their abstract, elementary, essential kernels. Each viewer is invited to sense and interpret them from his or her personal perspective, in line with dynamic reality, with the powers of nature, with the flow of life. The meaning of place and home, of absence and emptiness, of earth and place is sublime and metaphysical. At the same time, it is also worldly and sensual, expressing a universal human symbolism. 2 "Micha's vision", Micha Ullman interviewed by Eli Armon, Haaretz , 11.9.2009. (Hebrew) 3 Ibid.