
E16 objects, despite appearing solid, in fact, barely hold together. In part, the works' appearance of solidity owes to the chromatic resemblance between rusty iron and red soil. As Ullman has explained in a video interview on the occasion of his 2011 exhibition at the Israel Museum, iron and sand conflict and converge at the same time. The similar colors of sand and iron camouflage their diametrically opposed physicality. Whereas iron is solid and fixed, sand is fluid and dispersive. It is held within the boundaries of the iron container in a strained and tense balance. 9 Although it appears solid, the carefully formed body of earth within the container is extremely vulnerable, and displaced by the slightest touch. Needless to say, this chair cannot afford stable seating. Like Sharabani's Sand Table , Ullman's chair undercuts the function universally attributed to chairs, which are usually taken to provide grounding and firm support. In the same move, these works transform sand, uncannily, into quicksand. 9 The Israel Museum. 2011. The Work of Micha Ullman: Containers . Video, 0:00–1:53, posted by museumisrael, September 7. Available online: =en&fs=1 (accessed 6 October 2019). Figure 4: Ronen Sharabani, Sandbox , 2014 (detail), 170X115 cm, Projection on sand-table.