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Dr. Vered Silber Varod

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Open Media and Information Lab (OmiLab) 1 University Road, P. O. Box 808, Raanana 43107
Office:972-9-7781715 Email:vereds@openu.ac.il

Areas of Interest
  • Speech Prosody
  • Speech communication
  • Acoustic Phonetics
  • Intonation
  • Intonational Phonology
  • Text and speech analytics
  • Speech Technologies

Director of the Open Media and Information Lab (OMILab), The Open University of IsraelFormer Research Fellow at The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel. Research interests and publications focus on various aspects of speech sciences, with expertise in speech prosody, acoustic phonetics, speech communication, and text analytics. Honored to be part of ISCA'S WomenNSpeech list.

Ph.D., "The SpeeCHain Perspective: Prosodic - Syntactic Interface in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew", The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Supervisor: Prof. Shlomo Izre’el.
M.A. with Magna Cum Laude, “Characteristics of Prosodic Unit Boundaries in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew: Perceptual and Acoustic Analysis”, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Supervisors: Prof. Shlomo Izre’el and Dr. Noam Amir. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26299.54568
Complementary undergraduate studies, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
B.A., Political Science and French Language and Literature, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
July, 2021: Excellence in Leadership Award presented to distinguishecolleague, researcher, and outstanding leader by the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM).

In recognition of your contribution to the high standard and quality of the papers published in Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (PSiCL), we wish to award you a Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing.

Fellow and Distinguished scholar, Knowledge Management Conference 2016 (KM 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June 22-25, 2016.
Dov Sadan Foundation Grant, The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University.
Student Services Division scholarship, Tel Aviv University.
Ignatz Bubis scholarship, Hebrew sciences, Tel Aviv University.
Yaakobi scholarship, School of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Tel Aviv University.


Silber-Varod, V. & Amir, N. (2022). Word stress at utterance-final position: An acoustic study on Hebrew read sentences. Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics14(1). 

Niebuhr, O. & Silber-Varod, V. (2021). How versatility performance influences perception of charismatic speech   – A study on two Israeli politicians​. In: Fischer​, K. & Haap, J. (Eds.), What Influences Influence? How the Communicative Situation Influences Persuasion, Special Issue of Interaction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, volume 22 issue 3, pp. 303-342. doi: https://benjamins.com/catalog/is.00007.nie

Silber-Varod, V., Siegert, I., Jokisch, O., Sinha, Y., & Geri, N. (2021). A Cross-Language Study of Speech Recognition Systems for English, German and Hebrew. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-15. ​https://doi.org/10.36965/OJAKM.2021.9(1)1-15

Weise,A., Silber-Varod, V., Lerner,A., Hirschberg, J., Levitan, R. (2020). Entrainment in spoken Hebrew dialogues. In: J. Pardo, E. Pellegrino, V. Dellwo, and B. Möbius (Eds.), Special Issue on Vocal Accomodation in Speech Communication, Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2020.101005

Lerner, A., Silber-Varod, V., Carmi, N., Guttel, Y., & Allouche Omri (2020). Modeling the dynamics of acoustic gaps between speakers during Business-to-Business sales calls. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI).https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBDI.2020.113821

Soffer, O., Segal, Z., Greidinger, N., Rusinek, S., & Silber-Varod, V. (2020). Computational Analysis of Historical Hebrew Newspapers: Proof of Concept. Zutot - Perspectives on Jewish Culture, 17(1): 97-110, Leiden: Brill. DOI: 

Siegert, I., Silber-Varod, V., Carmi, N., & Kamocki, P. (2020). Personal Data protection and academia: GDPR issues and multi-modal data-collections "in the wild"”. The Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM), 8(1): 16-31. https://doi.org/10.36965/OJAKM.2020.8(1)16-31.

Silber-Varod, V., Malayev, S., & Lerner, A. (2020). Positioning Oneself in Different Roles: Structural and Lexical Measures of Power Relations between Speakers in Map Task Corpus. Speech Communication, 117: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2020.01.002

Bat-El, O., Cohen, E.-G., Silber-Varod, V. (2019). Modern Hebrew Stress: Phonology and Phonetics. In: N. Faust, E.-G. Cohen, and O. Bat-El (Eds.), special issue on Modern Hebrew Phonetics and Phonology: Descriptive Studies, Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, Volume 11, isuue 1, pp. 96-118. doi:10.1163/18776930-01101008

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2019). Tracing Research Trends of 21st Century Learning Skills. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3099–3118. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12753

Silber-Varod, V. (2018). Is human-human spoken interaction manageable? The emergence of the concept Conversation Intelligence. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM). A Publication of the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management, 6(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.36965/OJAKM.2018.6(1)1-14
The paper was awarded as Best Research Paper by the Knowledge Management Conference 2018.

Cohen Evan-G., Silber-Varod, V., & Amir, N. (2018). The acoustics of primary and secondary stress in Modern Hebrew. Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, 10: 1-19. DOI: 10.1163/18776930-01001001

Silber-Varod, V., Latin, M., & Moyal, A. (2017). Frequency of Hebrew phonemes and phoneme clusters in a data-driven approach. (in Hebrew). Literacy and Language (Oryanut Ve-Safa), 6, 22-36.

Silber-Varod, V., Blau, I., & Lis-Hacohen, R. (2017). Gender In Shared Navigation: Men To Mars, Women To Venus?. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(2), 171-177. doi: 10.1080/08874417.2017.1326090

Silber-Varod, V. & Amir, N. (2016). Formant analysis of the mid-front vowel as realized in hesitation disfluencies in Hebrew. Phonetician (A Peer-Reviewed Journal of ISPhS/International Society of Phonetic Sciences), 113, 49-60.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2016). Analyzing the Discourse of Chais Conferences for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies via a Data-Driven Approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL), 12, 297-313. doi: 10.28945/3604

Silber-Varod, V., Winer, A., & Geri, N. (2016). Opening the Knowledge Dam: Speech Recognition for Video Search. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(2), 106-111. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/08874417.2016.1183423

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2016). Culturomics: Reflections on the Potential of Big Data Discourse Analysis Methods for Identifying Research Trends. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 4(1), 82-98. Available at http://www.iiakm.org/ojakm/articles/2016/volume4_1/OJAKM_Volume4_1pp82-98.pdf

Silber-Varod, V., Sagi, H., & Amir, N. (2016). The acoustic correlates of lexical stress in Israeli Hebrew. Journal of Phonetics, 56, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.wocn.2016.01.003

Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Review of Sun-Ah Jun (Ed.). 2014. Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing, Oxford: Oxford University Press (ix + 462 pp + a CD., including: Preface, List of Contributors and Index, wav files demos, ISBN 019-924963-6). The Phonetician (a publication of the ISPHS – International Society of Phonetic Sciences), Vol. 111/112, pp. 89-93.

Gonen, E., Silber-Varod, V., & Reshef, Y. (2016). A Corpus of Recordings of Spoken Hebrew from the 1960s: Textual Samples. Karmilim 12 (Ha-Ivrit Ve-Achyoteha - Studies in Hebrew Language and its Contact with Semitic Languages and Jewish Languages). Haifa University and Ben Zvi Institute, pp. 129-150. (In Hebrew; English abstract).

Tetariy, E., Bar-Yosef, Y., Silber-Varod, V., Gishri, M., Aloni-Lavi, R., Opher, I., Aharonson, V., & Moyal, A. (2015). Cross-Language Phoneme Mapping for Phonetic Search Keyword Spotting in Continuous Speech of Under-Resourced Languages. Artificial Intelligence Research, (AIR), 4(2), 72-82. http://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/air/article/view/6732

Silber-Varod, V. (2012). Random disfluencies or predictable patterns? Towards a definition of Continuous Elongation as prosodic boundary tone​. Hebrew Linguistics A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive Computational Linguistics 66, 83-105. (in Hebrew; English abstract).

Izre’el, S., & Silber-Varod, V. (2009). Prosodic Units in Spoken Hebrew: Perception, Acoustic Cues and Syntax. Hebrew Linguistics A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive Computational Linguistics 62-63. (In Hebrew; English abstract)

Mettouchi, A., Lacheret-Dujour, A., Silber-Varod, V., & Izre’el, S. (2007). Only Prosody? Perception of Speech Segmentation in Kabyle and Hebrew. Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française 28, 207-218.

Silber-Varod, V. 2013. The SpeeCHain Perspective: Form and Function of Prosodic Boundary Tones in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew. LAMBERT Academic Publishing. (Based on my Ph.D. dissertation)

A review on the chapters of Te'uda XXVII: Studies in Spoken Hebrew written by Prof. Tsvia Walden (In Hebrew)

Silber-Varod, V., & Green, H. (2016). Speech Prosody: An Introduction. In Einat Gonen (Ed.) Te'uda XXVII: Studiesa in Spoken Hebrew (pp. 73-98), Tel Aviv University. (In Hebrew)

Silber-Varod, V. (2014). Dependencies over prosodic boundary tones in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew. In K. Gerdes, E. Hajičová, and L. Wanner (Eds.), Dependency Linguistics. Recent advances in linguistic theory using dependency structures (pp. 207-228), Studies in Language Companion Series, John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Silber-Varod, V., Vinciarelli, A., Har-Lev, B. (2022). The business side of social signals and nonverbal communication. Proceedings of the KM 2022 Conference (pp. 5-16). Ljublijana, Slovenia 29/6-2/7, 2022

Silber-Varod, V. , Alfon, E., & Amir, N. (2022). Perception of the strength of prosodic breaks in three conditions: Explicit pause, implicit pause, and no pause. Speech Prosody Conference​, Lisbon, Portugal.

Silber-Varod V., Gósy M., Lerner A. (2021) Is It a Filler or a Pause? A Quantitative Analysis of Filled Pauses in Hebrew​. In: Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds) Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12997. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_57

Gósy, M., & Silber-Varod, V. (2021). Attached filled pauses: Occurrences and durations. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS 2021)​ (pp. 71-76), 25–26 August 2021, Paris 8 University, France (on-line conference).

Weise, A., Silber-Varod, V., Lerner, A., Hirschberg, J., and Levitan, R. (2021). “Talk to me with left, right, and angles”: Lexical entrainment in spoken Hebrew dialogue", Proceedings of The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2021) (pp. 292–299). April 19-23, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics  

Siegert, I., Silber-Varod, V., & Kamocki, P. (2020). GDPR – A Game Changer for Acoustic Interaction analyzes. Proceedings of the workshop on Legal and Ethical Issues (Legal2020) (pp. 1–3), Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC.

Shulga, D., Silber-Varod, V., Benson Karai, D., Levi, O., Vashdi, E., & Lerner, A. (2020). Toward Explainable Automatic Classification of Children’s Speech Disorders. Speech and Computers (SPECOM2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12335) (pp. 509-519).

Silber-Varod, V., Amit, D., Lerner, A. (2020). Tracing changes over the course of the conversation: A case study on filled pauses rates​. Proc. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (pp. 754-758), DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-154.

Silber-Varod, V., Lerner, A., Carmi, N., Amit, D., Guttel, Y., Orlob, C., & Allouche, O. (2019). Computational modelling of speech data integration to assess interactions in B2B sales calls. IEEE 5th International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (IEEE DataCom 2019) , pp. 152-157. DOI 10.1109/DataCom.2019.00031

silber-Varod, V., Gósy, M., & Eklund, R. (2019). Segment prolongation in Hebrew. DISS2019 - Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech workshop, Budapest, Hungary, September 12-14, 2019. DOI: 10.21862/diss-09-013-silb-etal

Rabin E., Silber-Varod V., Kalman Y.M., Kalz M. (2019). Identifying Learning Activity Sequences that Are Associated with High Intention-Fulfillment in MOOCs. In: Scheffel M., Broisin J., Pammer-Schindler V., Ioannou A., Schneider J. (eds.) Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies. EC-TEL 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11722. Springer, Cham.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29736-7_17

Silber-Varod, V., Khorshidi, N., Levi, L., & Amir, N. (2019). The Influence of lexical stress on formant values in spontaneous Hebrew speech. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. to be held in Melbourne 5–9 August 2019.

Lerner A., Miara O., Malayev S., Silber-Varod V. (2018) The Influence of the Interlocutor’s Gender on the Speaker’s Role Identification. In: Karpov A., Jokisch O., Potapova R. (eds.). Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 321-330), vol 11096. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99579-3_34​ 

Silber-Varod V., Lerner A., Jokisch O. (2018) Prosodic Plot of Dialogues: A Conceptual Framework to Trace Speakers’ Role. In: Karpov A., Jokisch O., Potapova R. (eds.). Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 636-645), vol 11096. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99579-3_65​

SIlber-Varod, V., Kreiner, H., & Amir, N. (2018). Context dependent and time-course dependent prosodic analysis. TAL 2018: Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, Beuth University Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 18-20, 2018. https://www.isca-speech.org/archive_v0/TAL_2018/pdfs/TAL_2018_paper_61.pdf

Silber-Varod, V., Lerner, A., Jokisch, O. (2017). Automatic Speaker's Role Classification With a Bottom-up Acoustic Feature Selection​. Proc. GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, 52-56. doi: 10.21437/GLU.2017-11​​.

Silber-Varod, V., & Lerner, A. (2017). Analysis of silences in unbalanced dialogues: the effect of genre and role. In: R. Eklund & R. Rose (eds.), Proceedings of DiSS 2017, the 8th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 18–19 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden, TMH-QPSR Volume 58(1), ISSN M1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-17/01-SE, pp. 53–56.

Silber-Varod, V., Kreiner, H., Lovett, R., Levi-Belz, Y., & Amir, N. (2016). Do social anxiety individuals hesitate more? The prosodic profile of hesitation disfluencies in Social Anxiety Disorder individuals. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016 (SP2016). Boston, USA, May 24 – Friday May 27, 2016. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016-249

Lerner, A., Silber-Varod, V., Batista, F., & Moniz, H. (2016). In search of the role's footprints in client-therapist dialogues. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016 (SP2016). Boston, USA, May 24 – Friday May 27, 2016. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016-82 https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/speechprosody_2016/lerner16_speechprosody.html

Silber-Varod, V., Iaroshenko, V., & Jokisch, O., (2016). Subjective evaluation of voice conversion performance: Towards an understanding of how non-linguistic conditions change our voiceProceedings of 27th Conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2016), Leipzig, Germany, 2-4 March, 2016.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2016). Analyzing the Discourse of the Articles of Chais Conferences for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies via a Data-Driven Approach. In: Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, V. Silber-Varod (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Technological Era, Raanana: The Open University of Israel, pp. 101ע-112ע. (in Hebrew with abstract in English)

Amir, N., Ben-Chemo, C., & Silber-Varod, V. (2015). Categorical Perception of Lexical Stress: The Effect of Manipulated Duration. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 0127. Retrieved from http://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/icphs-proceedings/ICPhS2015/Papers/ICPHS0127.pdf

Silber-Varod, V. (2015). Rhythmic characteristics of Spontaneous Israeli Hebrew: Preliminary results. In A. Amit and H. Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th-30th Annual Meetings of the Haiim B. Rosen Israeli Linguistic Society (pp. 114-128), Tel-Aviv University. (In Hebrew)

Silber-Varod, V., & Geri, N. (2014). Error Diagnosis and Classification of Errors in two Hebrew State-of-the-Art Speech Recognition Systems. Proceedings of 2014 Speech Processing Conference Afeka, Tel-Aviv, Israel July 7-8, 2014.

Silber-Varod, Vered and Levy, Tal. (2014). Intonation Unit Size in Spontaneous Hebrew: Gender and Channel Differences. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-23, 2014 (pp. 658-662). http://www.speechprosody2014.org/

Faust Noam and Silber-Varod, Vered. (2013). Modern Hebrew Prepositions are Enclitics: Converging Evidence from Lexical Morpho-Phonology and Natural Speech Segmentation. In: Melnik N. (Ed.), Proceedings of IATL29 (Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics) (pp. 71-92). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics (MWPL).

Silber-Varod, V., & Maruyama, T. (2013). The Linguistic Role of Hesitation Disfluencies: Evidence from Hebrew and Japanese. DiSS 2013: The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2013.

Bar-Yosef, Y., Aloni-Lavi, R., Opher, I., Tetariy, E., Dudy, S., Silber-Varod, V., Aharonson, V., & Moyal, A. (2013). Phonetic-Search in a New Target Language using Multi-language Indexing and Phonetic Mappings. 2013 Afeka Speech Processing Conference, July 1-2, 2013, Tel Avivs.

Levy, T. Silber-Varod, V. & Moyal, A. (2012). The effect ofpitch, intensity and pause duration in punctuation detection​. 2012 IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in IsraelNovember 14-17, 2012, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EEEI.2012.6376934.

Lotner, N., Tetariy, E., Silber-Varod, V., Aharonson, V., Moyal, A., Aloni-Lavi, R., Bar-Yosef, Y., & Opher, I. (2012). Cross-Language Phoneme Recognition for Under-Resourced Languages. IEEE 27-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel IEEEI 2012, November 14-17, 2012, Eilat, Israel.

Bar-Yosef, Y., Opher, I., Aloni-Lavi, R., Lotner, N., Tetariy, E., Silber-Varod, V., Aharonson, V., & Moyal, A. (2012). Automatic Learning of Phonetic Mappings for Cross-Language Phonetic-Search in Keyword Spotting. IEEE 27-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel IEEEI 2012, November 14-17, 2012, Eilat, Israel.

Aharonson, E., Aharonson, V., Porat, T., & Silber-Varod, V. (2012). The perceptual effect of prosody in voice-activated system responses. Paper presented at 2012 Speech Processing Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 19-20, 2012.

Silber-Varod, V. (2011). Dependencies over Prosodic Boundary Tones in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew. Depling 2011 - International Conference on Dependency Linguistics, Barcelona, September 5-7 2011, pp. 241-250. http://depling.org/proceedingsDepling2011/papers/silberVarod.pdf

Gishri M., Silber-Varod V., & Moyal, A. (2010). Lexicon design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages. Proceedings of The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2010/

Silber-Varod, V. & Kessous, L. (2008). Prosodic boundary patterns in Hebrew: A case study of continuous intonation units in weather forecast. In P. A. Barbosa, S. Madureira,and C. Reis, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2008 Conference, Campinas, Brazil: Editora RG/CNPq., pp 265-268. https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/pdfs/speechprosody_2008/silbervarod08_speechprosody.pdf

Amir, N., Silber-Varod, V., & Izre’el, S. (2004).Characteristics of intonation unit boundaries in spontaneous spoken Hebrew: Perception and acoustic correlates, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Speech Prosody - SP2004, Nara, Japan, 2004, pp. 677-680.

Conference Presentations
Silber-Varod, V. & Amir, N. (2021). Prosodic focus in Hebrew: A Perception study. Tone and Intonation 2021 (TAI 2021)​, The 1st Internaional conference on TAI, Sønderborg, Denmark.​
Silber-Varod, V. & Amir, N. (2021). Prosodic properties of Hebrew word-level stress: high-low or long-short?. Tone and Intonation 2021 (TAI 2021), The 1st Internaional conference on TAI, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Silber-Varod, V. & Carmi, N. (2021). Carbon-dating broadcasting styles: Towards automatic detection of spoken Hebrew change. Presented at #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age online conference, Jan 11-14, 2021. Video of presentation: https://www.morressier.com/session/5fd8df7a17f0370012bd3fc6
Sternberg U. & Silber-Varod, V. (2019). Spoken Language as a Literacy Representation: A Proposal to Measure the Quality of Public Speaking. Rhetoric in Society 7: Rhetoric as Equipment for Living, September 11-13, 2019, Ghent University, Belgium. 
Rabin, E., Silber-Varod, V., & Kalman, Y. M. (2019). Using natural language processing techniques to predict perceived achievements in Massive Online Open Courses. Refereed Extended Abstract Proceedings - KM Conference 2019 (p. 26), June 26-29, 2019, Warsaw, Poland.
Carmi, N., Lerner, A., & Silber-Varod, V. (2019). Enriching audio databases with temporal information hidden in the acoustic signal. Refereed Extended Abstract Proceedings - KM Conference 2019 (p. 29), June 26-29, 2019, Warsaw, Poland.
Silber-Varod, V., Blau, I., Lis-Hacohen, R. (2017). Gender differences in the motives of drivers using Waze application for shared navigation. Refereed Extended Abstract Proceedings - KM Conference 2017, June 21-24, 2017, Novo Mesto, Slovenia, (A Publication of the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management). This abstract was awarded as "Best Research Paper Award" by International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM). Available at: http://www.iiakm.org/conference/proceedings/KM2017_RefereedProceedingsAbstracts.pdf
Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Geri, N. (2017). Identifying digital literacy research trends in the educational field. Refereed Extended Abstract Proceedings - KM Conference 2017 – June 21-24, 2017, Novo Mesto, Slovenia, (A Publication of the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management). Available at: http://www.iiakm.org/conference/proceedings/KM2017_RefereedProceedingsAbstracts.pdf
Silber-Varod, V. & Amir, N. (2017). "When two giants meet": The interaction between lexical stress and utterance-final prosody in spoken Hebrew. Presented at the Workshop on Challenges in Analysis and Processing of Spontaneous Speech (CAPSS2017), Budapest, May 14–17, 2017.
Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Dynamics in dialogues: The transitions and junctures in spoken dialogues. Presented at the Humboldt-Colloquium "Bridges to the Future: German-Israeli Scientific Relations", 21-23 September 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Blau, I., & Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Narrating and Sharing Audio Books: A Call for a Multicultural Perspective of Knowledge Production and Management. Proceedings of Knowledge Management Conference 2016 (KM 2016) (p. 41). Lisbon, Portugal, June, 21-25, 2016. This abstract was awarded as "Best Idea Research Award" by International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM).
Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Formant analysis of hesitation disfluencies. Presented at The 32th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Linguistics Society. February 9th, 2016, The Open University of Israel, Raanana. (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, V., Weiss, A., & Amir, N. (2015). Can You Hear These Mid-Front Vowels? Formants Analysis of Hesitation Disfluencies in Spontaneous Hebrew​. Poster presented at Diss2015 (The research workshop series on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, August 8-9, 2015.
Silber-Varod, V., Winer, A., &Geri, N.  (2015). Knowledge Dam: Making Video Lectures Searchable by Using Automatic Speech and Text Recognition Technologies in Under-Resourced Languages. To be presented at The 3rd Knowledge Management Conference (KM 2015), June 24-27, 2015, The University of Economics in Katowice, Poland.
Silber-Varod, V., Azogui, J., and Lerner, A. (2015). Towards the compilation of a Hebrew Map Task Corpus. Presented at The 2015 Afeka Conference for Speech Processing, Tel Aviv, June 16, 2015. http://www.afekaconference.co.il/sp2015/Program/Workgroups.
Lis Hacohen, R., Silber-Varod, R., Blau, I. (2015). Gender Differences in Collaborative Digital Navigation: Active Participation and Driver’s Perception of Information Accuracy. Learning in the Technological Era: Proceedings of the 10th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. In Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, V. Silber-Varod (Eds.), Raanana: The Open University of Israel. pp. 236-237.
Silber-Varod, V. (2015). Acoustic analysis of lexical stress characteristics in Hebrew. A paper presented at The 31th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Linguistics Society. February 8th, 2015, The David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem. (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, V., & Geri, N.  (2014). Can Automatic Speech Recognition be Satisficing for Audio/Video Search? Keyword-Focused Analysis of Hebrew Automatic and Manual Transcription.  The 2nd Knowledge Management Conference (KM 2014), June 25-28, 2014, The American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Silber-Varod, V. (2014). Rhythm in Spontaneous Hebrew. The 30th conference of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Tel-Aviv University, March 18, 2014. (In Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, V. (2013). Prosody-syntax interface of hesitation disfluencies and other prosodic boundaries. 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. July 28th-August 1st 2013.


Silber-Varod, V., Latin, M., & Moyal, A. (2013). Hebrew Phoneme Database: A Project that Begins with 100.000.000 Word and Ends with 31 Phonemes. A paper presented at The 29th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Linguistics Society. February 4, 2013, Sefad, Israel. (in Hebrew)
Levy, Tal, Vered Silber-Varod, and Ami Moyal. 2012. Automatic Speech Punctuation Using Prosodic Cues. Acoustics and Audio 2012, September 13, 2012, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2012. The pronominal nature of hesitation disfluencies: evidence from Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew. The Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Kaliningrad, Russia, June 19-23, 2012.
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2011. The SpeeCHain Perspective: Prosody-Syntax Interface in Spontaneous Spoken Hebrew. IGDAL 2011 - First International Graduate Student Conference on Diverse Approaches to Linguistics, Jerusalem, October 23, 2011.
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2011. Who cares about speech technologies for Hebrew? example from speech prosody analysis for ASR technology. The third national annual conference of the ISEF foundation, Jerusalem, June 12, 2011. (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2010. Phonological aspects of prosodic boundaries. The 26th conference of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Haifa University, February 8, 2010. http://www.israling.org/ils2010program.pdf (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2009. SpeeCHain – prosody and function words interface. The 25th conference of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Bar-Ilan University, February 17, 2009. http://www.israling.org/ils2009program.pdf (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2009. Speech prosody and its importance to human-machine interface. Avios 2009, The 5th annual AVIOS Israel conference, Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College for Engineering, October 14, 2009. (in Hebrew)
Silber-Varod, Vered. 2008. SpeeCHain – the prosody of continuous intonation unit, evidence from broadcasts of weather forecast. The 24th conference of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Beit Berl College, February 14, 2009. http://www.israling.org/ils2008program.pdf (in Hebrew)

Kalev, D., Silber-Varod, V., & Ziv, Y. (Eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 33rd, 34th, and 35th Annual Meetings XXII. The Israeli Linguistic Society in Honour of Haiim B. Rosén, Raanana: Israel.

Geri, N., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., (2017). Beyond the walls of the classroom: introduction to the ijell special series of chais conference 2017 best papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 13, 143-150. http://www.ijello.org/Volume13/IJELLv13p143-150Preface4311.pdf

Geri, N., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., (2016). Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2016 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 12, 163-168. http://www.ijello.org/Volume12/IJELLv12p163-168Chais2016Preface.pdf

Geri, N., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., (2015). A Decade of Chais Conferences: Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2015 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 11, 147-157. http://www.ijello.org/Volume11/IJELLv11p149-157ChaisPreface.pdf

Geri, N., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., Yair, Y., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., (2014). Introduction to the IJELLO special series of Chais Conference 2014 best papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 10, 123-130.

Research grant #510727​ from the Research Authority, The Open University (ILS 38,000) for conducting a research on "Digital access to textual cultural heritage in Hebrew" (in collaboration with Prof. Oren Soffer).
Research grant #506442 from the Research Authority, The Open University (40,000 ILS) for conducting a research on "Analysis of Acoustic and physiological signals for identifying childhood Apraxia of speech" (in collaboration with Dr. Diamnta Benson, Dr. Ofer Levy, Dr. Anat Lerner, and Dr. Elad Vashdi). 
Research scholarship for young academics and scientists 2015 (#50015559), funded by German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)) for conducting a research on "Evaluation of a Speaker's Voice in Different Social and Cultural contexts by Voice Conversion Methods" (in collaboration with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Jokisch, Leipzig University of Telecommunication (HfTL), Germany).
Research grant #504292 from the Research Authority, The Open University (ILS 37,280) for conducting a research on "A decade of learning technologies research: Trends and tendencies in Chais conferences discourse" (in collaboration with Prof. Yoram Eshet-Alkalai and Dr. Nitza Geri).
Research grant #502532 from the Research Authority, The Open University (ILS 31,967) for conducting a research on "An Evaluation of Hebrew Automatic Speech Recognition Transcriptions: Toward Automatic Video Indexation and Transcription" (in collaboration with Dr. Nitza Geri). A link to 2015's evaluations: Testing two speech recognition engines
Hesitation Disfluencies
These are typical hesitation disfluencies utterances of colloquial Hebrew.
Copyrights: Samples are courtesy of Dr. Vered Silber-Varod, and are part of The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew (CoSIH) http://cosih.com
Examples of Hesitation Disfluencies in Spontanuous Hebrew​​
​1 ​haː maRtsa Sel-i [C413]
theː lecturer of-1SG
'my lecturer'
2​​ ​b-aː tijul [P1241]
on-theː trip
'on the trip'
​3 ​​bXina beː # histoRja Sel naSim [C412]
exam inː # history of women
'an exam on the history of women'
than to-live inː in conflict all the time
'than living in conflict all the time'
​5 ve hi: amRa li Se hi holexet liSon [C514]
and sheː tell.PST-3SG.F me that she go.PTCP.SG.F to-sleep
'and she told me that she was going to sleep'
​6 aval e: # im miSehu jaxziR [P313]
but ehː # if someone 3SG.M-FUT.return
'but eh if someone will return [something]'
7​ ​​ki af exad lo koRet otam az hem: mizdaknim tl- nexlaSim ve noflim T [OCh]
so theyː old.PTCP-PL.M @- weak.PTCP.PL.M and fall.PTCP.PL.M
'so they are getting old @- getting weak and falling down'
​8 zot omeRet e: at pogeSet kaxa anaSim eː [C413]
I_mean ehː you.2SG.F meet.PTCP.SG.F this_way people
'I mean eh you meet people this way'
​9 aval e: hem amRu [P313]
but ehː they tell.PST.3PL.M
'but eh they told (me to write down the details)'
ve: zehu T [P1241]
andː that_is_that T
'and that is that'
Conversation Intelligence
Discourse analysis studies examine the way speakers project their identity, and their social characteristics, via content analysis. This session aims to merge two domains – speech analytics and discourse studies – by tracing the linguist, prosodic and acoustic footprints of extra-linguistic information of the individual speaker per se and the speaker in relations to other interlocutors in the conversation. The focus of the session will be the process whereby speakers position themselves perceptibly and subjectively in jointly produced conversations. The term positioning reflects the dynamic aspects of power relations in an interaction, which is not necessarily congruent with the term role, which serves to emphasize static and formal relations. We encourage contributions that target to process large scale discourse units (public speech, dialogues, and multi-party conversations), synergistically integrate techniques from the fields of speech analytics and discourse studies, or develop novel theory or methodologies for the study of positioning in conversations. The topics include (but are not limited to): Interactive Communication Management (ICM), conversational systems, conversation intelligence platform, positioning and power relations, conversation infographics, speech analytics.
Vered Silber-Varod (OMILab, The Open University of Israel) - vereds@openu.ac.il
Benjamin Weiss (TU Berlin, Germany) - BWeiss@telekom.de
Anat Lerner (The Open University of Israel) - anat@openu.ac.il
Omri Allouche (Gong.io, San Mateo CA & Herzliya Israel) - omri.allouche@gong.io
Helena Moniz (INESC-ID, Portugal) - helenam@l2f.inesc-id.pt
Visualization of speech in interaction
I seek a high-level representation of the structure of dialogues. This representation is a concept that I have developed with collegues (Silber-Varod, Lerner, & Jokisch, 2018; Silber-Varod, Lerner, Carmi, Amit, Guttel, Orlob, & Allouche, 2019), and its goal is to represent speakers' participation level, as well as other conversational properties, along the dialogue in a comparable way.

Using Tableau, I have been able to reach interactive visualizations. Some examples are given here thanks to Mr. Nehoray Carmi:

Teaching Positions
​Fall 2019 ​​Lecturer, Language, Culture, Society, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, The Open University of Israel
Spring 2018 Lecturer, Language, Culture, Society, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, The Open University of Israel
Spring 2017
Lecturer, Advanced Phonology, Department of Lin guistic, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Fall 2016
Lecturer, Phonology, Department of Linguistic and the Department of Hebrew Language, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Fall 2011,
Spring 2013
Lab Instructor, Introduction to Natural Language Processing, The department of Electrical Engineering, Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering.
Spring 2009,
Fall 2011
Lecturer, Language and Communication, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, The Open University of Israel
Fall, 2006
Local instructor (Israel), Introduction to Phonetics. Advanced Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Cinccinati.*
Coordinator of the course, Modern Hebrew Phonology, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, The Open University of Israel.*
Hebrew teacher at DiAlog Language School, The Open University of Israel.
Summer of 1993, 1994, and 1995
Hebrew teacher at Rothberg International School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Student Supervised


​​Co-supervision with Dr. Noam Amir

Student: Ms. Nitzan Bechar Marom, M.A. Thesis on Prosodic characteristics of Narrow Focus in Hebrew,Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University.


Co-supervision with Dr. Noam Amir

Student: Ms. Tzafnat Sofer, Final M.A. project on Narrow Focus in Spontaneous speech, Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University.

Co-supervision with Dr. Anat Lerner
Student: Ms. Veronica Gelfgat, Graduate seminar paper and final M.Sc. paper on "Classification of silent pauses in speech via machine learning methods", M.Sc. in Computer Science, The Open University of Israel.
Co-supervision with Dr. Anat Lerner
Student: Mr. Eitan Weitzman, Graduate seminar paper on "Scripting with PRAAT software", and final paper towards M.Sc. in Computer Science, The Open University of Israel.
Co-supervision with Dr. Anat Lerner
Student: Mr. Jacob Azogui, Graduate Project on "The Hebrew Map Task database – Corpus Compilation and feature extraction", and final paper towards M.Sc. in Computer Science, The Open University of Israel.
Co-supervision with Dr. Ina Blau
Student: Mrs. Ronit Lis-Hacohen, M.A. Thesis on "Gender gap in shared navigation app?", M.A. in Education: “Learning Technologies” and “Learning Systems”, The Open University of Israel.
Co-supervision with Mrs. Keren Kalif.
Student: Mr. Igor Benjaminov, Final B.Sc. Project on "A support System for filling a Lawsuit According to Precedence", Department of Software Engineering, Afeka Academic College of Engineering.
Co-supervision with Prof. Ami Moyal.
Student: Mr. Tal Levy, Final B.Sc. Project on "Automatic Speech Transcription and Punctuation", Department of Electrical Engineering, Afeka Academic College of Engineering.

Organizing committees and Program committees of Conferences

2024.  Local Arrangement/Social Events Chair. INTERSPEECH2024. ISCA.

2021. Member, Scientific Committee, Tone and Intonation 2021 (TAI 2021), The 1st Internaional conference on TAI, Sønderborg, Denmark.

2021. Conference co-Chair, Knowledge Management (KM) Conference 2021, 30 June - 2 July 2021. Virtual conference.

2018, Memebr, Organizing Committee, Web Archiving: Best Practices for Digital Cultural Heritage, The Open Media and Information Lab (OmiLab) and The National Library of Israel, April, 29-30, 2018.

2017 Member, Program Committee, The 5th Knowledge Management Conference (KM 2017), organized by the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM), Novo mesto, Slovenia, June 21-24, 2017.

2017  Member, Scientific Committee, The 8th workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS 2015), will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, 18-19, August, 2017.

2017 Member, International Advisory Board, Challenges in analysis and processing of spontaneous speech (CAPSS2017), will be held in Budapest, Hungary, May 14-17, 2017.

2016-2017 Member, Program Committee, The 12th Chais Conference on Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, February 14-15, 2016.

2016-2017 Chair, Organizing Committee, Learning in the Digital Era: The 12th Research Conference of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana, February 13-15, 2017.
2016 Member, Program Committee, the 4th Knowledge Management Conference (KM 2016), organized by the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM), Lisbon, Portugal, June 22-25, 2016.
2016 Chair, The 32nd Annual Meeting of The Haiim B. Rosén Israeli Linguistic Society, The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana, February 9, 2016.
2016 Chair, Organizing Committee, Learning in the Digital Era: The 11th Research Conference of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana, February 14-16, 2016.
2015 Chair, the Language Resources Workgroup, The 2015 Afeka Conference for Speech Processing, July 16, 2015, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel Aviv.
2015 Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics (ISCOL 2015), The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana.
2015 Chair, Organizing Committee, Learning in the Digital Era: The 10th Research Conference of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana.
2014 Chair, Organizing Committee, Learning in the Digital Era: The 9th Research Conference of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana.
2013-2015 Member, Program Committee, Afeka Conference for Speech Processing (ACSP), the Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel Aviv.
Selected Reviews on Journal Papers, Conference Papers, and Book Chapters
2018-2019 ICPHS 2019; Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (PSiCL);
2014-2021 Paper reviews for international conferences: Speech Prosody 2016, Knowledge Management 2014, 2015, 2016; Human Computer Interaction ACM SIG-CHI 2015, INTERSPEECH.
2015 Journal Paper Review Helkat-Lashon (in Hebrew) http://www.dyellin.ac.il/about/publications/chelkatlashon
2014 Proofreading and translation of the Hebrew stemmas (sections and diagrams) in Tesnière, L. 2014. Elements of structural syntax. Translated by T. Osborne and S. Kahane, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
2013 A. Lacheret, S. Kahane, &  P. Pietrandrea, éds. (sous contrat, in press). Rhapsodie : a prosodic syntactic treebank of spoken French. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
2013 Hebrew Linguistics - A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive, Computational and Applied Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University Press
2012 Einat Gonen (Ed.) Studying Spoken Hebrew, Te'uda, Tel Aviv Univeristy. (in Hebrew)
Other Activity in the academic field
2022-present Member of the Scholarship Committee at the Open University of Israel.
2019-2022 Treasurer and Secretary, The Haiim B. Rosen Israeli Linguistic Society.
2013-2015 Language and linguistics consultant for language skills in an e-learning environment, The Center for Educational Technology (CET), Tel Aviv.
2000-2012 Technical editor (Hebrew language editor) at The Open University of Israel. Including the book Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (4 volumes). Ra'anana: The Open University of Israel.
2008-2012 Participation in Spoken Hebrew workshop research and discussion group. http://sites.google.com/site/spokenhebrewsite/
2008 Professional training in Université de Nanterre, Paris X, on acoustic software ANALOR, on behalf of Prof. Ann Lacheret-Dujour

September, 2006 Participation in IDP05 (Discourse- Prosody Interface 2005), Aix-en-Provence, France.
2002-2003 Participation in IALS research and discussion group; Issue: Spoken Hebrew.

Invited Colloquium, Seminars, and Workshops

2022. From Cultural Assets to Digital Collections: The Benefits of Computational Research​. Digital Humanities Group of the Israeli Academic Libraries Organization. 29.3.2022.

2022. Integrating prosodic and discourse analyses. Seminat Talk at the Acoustics Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), January 25, 2022.

2021. A panelist at the Student Meet Experts (SME) event at Interspeech 2021​, 2 September 2021.

2021. Keynote speaker at the 10th edition of the Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) workshop (http://diss2021.fr/) on DiSStory: A computational Analysis of 9 editions of Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech workshop​.

2020. Prosody in interaction: Exposing power relations between speakers in a dialogue, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Bar Ilan University, 29.11.2020.
2020. Enriching audio databases with information hidden in the acoustic signal, "Speech, Voice, Text, and Meaning" workshop about Oral History and Technology, 29.10.2020.
2019. Speech Prosody. Department of Parliamentary Records, The Knesset, 16.7.2019.
2019. Mining of information and the production of knowledge from the audio signal. SIGTRS (Special Interest Group on Text Retrieval Systems), 11.7.2019.
2019. Opening the knowledge treasures that are locked in audio and video - principles and vision. Symposium on Knowledge. Learning. Mentoring – international perspective, XI Symposium of SGH, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, 25th June 2019.
2018. Conversation, silence, and everything in between: Mining of information and the production of knowledge from the audio signal. OMILAB, 24.10.2018.
2018. Opening the knowledge treasures that are locked in audio and video - principles and vision. The 3rd meeting of Digital Humanities in Israel. University of Haifa, 27.2.2018.
2017. Rethinking access tools for researching multimodal digital collections, XIVth Annual International Conference for Professionals in Cultural Heritage, Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th November, 2017 at the Van Leer Jerusalem, Institute.

2017. Hands-on workshop on Praat software, The Institute of Information Processing and Decision Making (IIPDM), Universityof Haifa, October, 19, 2017.

2017. The Acoustics of Lexical Stress: Towards Prosodic Typology in Spoken Hebrew, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 22, 2017. (in Hebrew)

2016. A Linguistic Perspective on Hesitation Disfluencies: Evidence from Hebrew and Japanese, Tel Aviv University, March 3rd, 2016.

2015. Prosody – the Other Element of Speech. Department of Semitic Linguistics, Tel Aviv University, December 6th, 2015. (in Hebrew(.

2015. Prosody – Analyzing the Hidden Information in Speech. Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL), November 25th, 2015.

2015. Prosody – Analyzing the Hidden Information in Speech: Evidence from Sociolinguistic Research. Quality and Usability Lab, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin, November 23rd, 2015.

2014. Speech prosody: The hidden increment in speech. A seminar lecture at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology. Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, May 5th, 2014.

2013. Cliticization of prepositions: Converging evidence from prosodic and morpho-syntactic analyses. The bi-weekly seminar of the Language, Logic and Cognition Center of the Hebrew University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, April 22, 2013 (w/Faust Noam ​).

2013. To ERR is human: Case studies of language technologies. Seminar of The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel, January 28, 2013 (in Hebrew)

2009. Chaining of speech – prosody-syntax interface. Seminar of the Hebrew Language unit, Tel Aviv University, March 22, 2009 (in Hebrew)

2009. Prosody – the hidden essence of speech. Colloquium of the Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel, February 23, 2009 (in Hebrew)

Educators' seminars

16.3.2022: On power relations in conversations: How is the interaction of the participants reflected in the manner of speech?. Seminar for teachers of the Russian language. Unit for the Professional Advancement of Educators, The Open University of Israel.

14.2.2019: OMILab Tool workshop. Ministry of Edu. (online)

23.6.2013: Between the spoken and the written language. Seminar for teachers of the Russian language, Unit for the Professional Advancement of Educators, The Open University of Israel.

23.6.2013: On the penetration of foreign languages to mother-tongue language. Seminar for teachers of the Russian language. Unit for the Professional Advancement of Educators, The Open University of Israel.

23.6.2013: Speech prosody. Seminar for teachers of the Russian language. Unit for the Professional Advancement of Educators, The Open University of Israel.

23.12.2013: Video in language education. Online Seminar for CET teachers. The Center for Educational Technology (CET).

4.2.2014: Video in teaching. Seminar for teachers of pupils with special needs. The Center for Educational Technology (CET).

10.3.2014: Report and Argumentation in the Spoken Language. Online Seminar for CET teachers. The Center for Educational Technology (CET).
13.3.2014: The self and others in the mirror of the language. Seminar for teachers of the Russian language. Unit for the Professional Advancement of Educators, The Open University of Israel.