6 50 Years of Opportunity at the OUI Dear Friends, As we turn the page on a momentous chapter - celebrating 50 years since our first courses were offered - a deep sense of accomplishment fills the halls of the Open University of Israel (OUI). Established in 1974, the OUI was born from a revolutionary vision: to break down barriers and make higher education accessible to all sectors of Israeli society. Today, this visionary mission remains our guiding light. Our core principles are rooted in equal opportunity and the unwavering belief that everyone, regardless of background, deserves a chance at academic success. That's why we embrace an open admissions policy, welcoming anyone with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn. At the OUI, your past achievements don't define your future: your dedication and present efforts are what truly matter. Our vibrant student body of 53,000 individuals reflects this commitment to inclusivity. Students from all sectors, religions, Letter from the President
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