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Guy Miron, Professor

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The Open University of Israel Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies 1 University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office:972-9-7782208 Email:guymiron@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

Areas of Interest
  • Modern European Jewish history
  • History of the Holocaust
  • Jewish Historiography and memory

Guy Miron, a professor of history, is a specialist in modern European Jewish history. His research focuses on German and Central European Jewish history in the twentieth century; Hungarian Jewish history; Holocaust Studies; Jewish and Israeli historiography

Ph.D., Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
M.A, Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B.A. (magna cum laude), Humanities, Open University of Israel
Visiting Professor, Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Senior Lecturer, Modern Jewish History, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem
Associate professor, Modern Jewish History, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem
Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, Open University of Israel

2015 – 2018 - Research Grant, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) for the project Time regimes and lived time of German Jews under the Nazi regime

Finalist for the 2012 The Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research

Finalist 2010 National Jewish Book Award (Holocaust) for Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos

2010 Best Reference: Print and Electronic Resources in the category of History, Library for  Journal Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos

2009 - Grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) for the publication of the book The Waning of the Emancipation

2005 – 2008 Dean, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.

October 2015 – September 2018 - Chair, Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, Open University of Israel

2019 – 2024 Executive  Vice President for Academic Affairs, Open University of Israel

From 2012 – Director of the research center for the study and research of the Holocaust in Germany, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem

2018 – 2020 - Co-editor, Zemanim, A Historical Quarterly

German Jews in Israel – Memories and Past Images, Koebner Center for German History, The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 2004 (Hebrew)

From Memorial Community to Research Center: The Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 2005 (Hebrew)

The Waning of the Emancipation, Jewish History, Memory, and the Rise of Fascism in Germany, France, and Hungary. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011. (Hebrew Version published by Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2011).
Finalist for the 2012 The Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research

Space and Time under Persecution: The German-JewishExperience in the Third Reich   
The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History & Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2021 (Hebrew)

Space and Time under Persecution, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2023

Joseph Eötvös, The Emancipation of the Jews (1840), Translation from Hungarian to Hebrew (with Anna Szalai) and Introduction (pp. 1-21), The Dinur Center, Jerusalem, 2003  (Hebrew)

Jews on the Crossroad – The Discourse on Jewish Identity in Hungary: Between crisis and innovation, co-edited with Anna Szalai, Bar Ilan University press (Hebrew), Ramat Gan, 2008 (Introduction pp. 13 – 55)

From Breslau to Jerusalem, Rabbinical Seminaries: Research and Reflections, The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies & Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, 2009 (Hebrew, Introduction pp. 1-12)

The Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghetto During the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2009 (finalist at the 2010 National Jewish Book Award)

From Berlin to Shanghai: Letters to Eretz-Israel, Sigmund-Shmuel and Gertrud Hirschberg , Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2013 (Hebrew, Introduction pp. 7 - 70)

Jewish historiography between past and future : 200 years of Wissenschaft des Judentums, edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr, Rachel Livneh-Freudenthal, and Guy Miron, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019

Antisemitism: Historical Concept, Public Discourse, Guest Co-Editor (with Scott Uri), Zion, Vol. 85 (2020)

Antisemitism and the Politics of History, edited by Scott Uri and Guy Miron, Waltham, Brandeis University Press, 2024 

In English, German and French

“Autobiography as a Source for Writing Social History: German Jews in Palestine/Israel as a Case Study”, Tel Aviv Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, 29 (2000), pp. 251-281

“Emancipation and Assimilation in the German Jewish Discourse of the 1930s, Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 2003 (48), pp. 165-189

“The Emancipation Heroes’ Pantheon in German-Jewish public memory of the 1930s”, German History, Volume 21 (2003), number 4, pp. 476-504.

“History, Remembrance, and a “Useful Past” in the Public Thought of Hungarian Jewry, 1938–1939”, Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 32 (2004), pp. 131-170

“Between ‘Center’ and ‘East’ – The Special Way of Jewish Emancipation in Hungary”, Jewish Studies at the CEU, vol 4, 2004-2005, pp. 111-138

“Conversations on the Jewish Question in Hungary, 1925-1926” (translated and annotated text), Jewish History and Culture, Vol. 7, no. 3 (Winter 2004), pp. 93-109

“The German and the German-Jewish Welfare Systems, and the Nazi Policy of Oppression – A Historiographical View”, in: Aspects of Jewish Welfare in Nazi Germany, Search and Research, vol 7, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 9-25

“Les juifs en Allemagne sous le régime nazi dans l’historiographie israélienne”,  Revue d`histoire de la Shoah, no 188, janvier/juin 2008, pp. 177-198.

From Bourgeois Germany to Palestine: Memoirs of German Jewish Women in Israel", Nashim, A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues, No. 17 Spring 2009, pp. 116 – 140

"Retrospectives from the eve of Destruction : Historical memory and images of the past in the Hungarian Jewish press, 1938-1944", Dapim; Studies on the Shoah 24 (2010), pp.  65-87

"Bridging the Divide: Holocaust versus Jewish History Research — Problems and Challenges", Yad Vashem Studies 38 (2), 2010, pp. 155 – 193

"Center or Frontier: Hungary and Its Jews, Between East and West", Journal of Levantine Studies, vol. 1, Summer 2011, pp. 67-91

"A People between Languages – Towards Jewish History of Concepts", Contributions to the History of Concepts, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (Winter 2012), pp. 1-27

" 'Lately, almost constantly, everything seems small to me': The Lived Space of German Jews under the Nazi Regime", Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Fall 2013), pp. 121-149.

" 'The Politics of Catastrophe Races On. I Wait', Waiting Time in the World of German Jewry Under Nazi Rule," Yad Vashem Studies, 43, 1 (2015). pp. 45-76.

"The 'Lived Time' of German Jews under the Nazi Regime", Journal of Modern History, 90 (March 2018), pp. 116-153.

"Between Poland and Hungary: The Process of Jewish Integration from a comparative perspective", Polin, Vol. 31 (2019), pp. 61-81

"The Home Experience of German Jews under the Nazi Regime", Past & Present, Volume 243, Issue 1, May 2019, pp 175–212

"From "Public Space" to "Space of Writing":  Jewish Diarists in Nazi Germany", Yearbook for European Jewish Literature Studies, Vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 90-107

"Jewish Vacations in Nazi Germany: Reflections on Time and Space amid an Unlikely Respite" (co-writer with Ofer Ashkenazi), Jewish Quarterly review, forthcoming, Vol. 110, No. 3 (Summer 2020) 523–552

“Transitional Community, Historical Successor, or a New Beginning: Jewish Life in Postwar West Germany”, Dictatorships & Democracies, Journal of history and Culture, No. 12 (2024), pp, 199-216

In Hebrew

“Between Integration and Particularity – the Jewish Emancipation and Existence in Weimar Germany as seen by a Representative of the Jewish Liberal Establishment”, Contemporary Jewry, 11-12 (1998), pp. 99-124

“Between History and ‘useful past picture’: Representations of the Jewish and the German past in the Jewish Liberal historical discourse in Weimar Germany”, Zion, vol 66 (2001), pp. 297-330

“With the Turn of the Millennium: Historical Representations of Hungary in the Struggle over its Identity”, Historia, 11 (2003), pp. 97-131

Looking Back from the Holy Land: Judaism and Traditional Jewish forms of Memory in Autobiographies of German Jewish Immigrants in Israel”, Zemanim, Vol. 82 (Spring 2003), pp. 68-84

“Anti-Semitism and Jewish-German Relations: A Retrospective from Israel”, Dapim, Studies on the Shoah, Vol 17 (2002), pp. 99-124.

“Confronting Evil: How the Jewish Press in Hungary Dealt with Anti-Semitism From the Late 1930s Until 1944”, Kesher, vol 33 (May 2003), pp. 100-107

A Hungarian version of this article: “Szemtől szemben a gonosszal, A magyarországi zsidó újságírás szemben az antiszemitizmussal a harmincas évek végtől 1944-ig”, Mult és Jövő, 2004/1-2, pp. 184-194

“Between Berlin and Baghdad – Iraqi Jewish History and The Challenge of Integrated Jewish Historiography”, Zion, vol 71 (2006), pp. 73-98

“Between Integration and Distinctiveness: The Concept of Emancipation in German Jewish Discourse”, Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, Tel Aviv University, No. 9, 2006, pp. 1-24

"A 'Useful Past' and the Crisis of the European Jews: Popular Jewish Historiography in Germany, France and Hungary in the 1930s", Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Vol. 18, 2008, pp. 307-339

"Between Two Worlds: Modern Orthodoxy in Germany as a New Form of Jewish Identity", Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, Tel Aviv University, No. 16 (2009), pp. 39 – 61

"Language, Culture and Space: The Challenges of Jewish Historiography in the Age of the ‛Turns’ ", Zion, vol 76 (2011), pp. 63-93

"Modernization, Assimilation, Cultural renewal and public sphere – New perspectives in the Research of Eastern and Central European Jews", Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Vol. 22, 2012, pp. 459-488

"Memory, Historiography and What Lies between Them – Three Decades Since Zakhor", Zion, vol 78 (2013), pp. 107-121

"Exile, Diaspora and Fatherland: Jewish Discourse regarding past and future during the Waning of the Emancipation era in Germany and Hungary", in: Homeland in Exile: Otherness and Belonging in the Jewish Diaspora, Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Thematic Series vol. 9, 2015, pp. 255-278

"Parental and Custody Struggles in Israel, Feminist Discourse, and the Limits of Gender Equality" (co-writer with Dr. Yoav Mazeh), Democratic Culture, 2015, pp. 81 – 139.

"Bourgeoisie and Zionism in the Domestic Habitus of Central European Women in the Yishuv", (co-writer with Dorit Yosef), Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Vol. 28, 2017, pp. 197-224

"Antisemitism: On the Dialectical Relationship between a Historical Concept and Contemporary Debates", (co-writer with Scott Uri), Zion, Vol. 85, (2020), pp. 7-29

"The Imperial Turn and the Age of Possibilities: Reflecting on the New Historiography", Zion, vol 87 (2022), pp. 549-572 (Hebrew).

"Commemoration, Usable Past and Historiography: Representations of Mendelssohn in Anniversaries and in the German-Jewish Press, Chidushim, Studies in the History of German and Central European Jewry, Vol. 26.2, 2024, pp, 163-188 (Hebrew)

In English and German

“Ein Blick zurück: Judentum und traditionell-jüdische Erinnerungsmuster deutschstämmiger Juden in Palästina/Israel”, in Joachim Jakob und Yotam Hotam (Hg.), Populäre Konstruktionen von Erinnerung im deutschen Judentum und nach der Emigration, Vanderhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2004, pp. 197-224

“From Memorial Community to Research Center: The Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem”, in: Christhard Hoffmann, ed., Preserving the Legacy of German Jewry: A History of the Leo Baeck Institute, 1955-2005, Tübingen, 2005 (Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts 70), pp. 101-134

“Von Regisseuren zu Schauspielern: Der Weg deutsch-Jüdischen Zionisten in die Emigration”, in: Moshe Zimmermann & Yotam Hotam, eds., Zweimal Heimat, Die Jeckes zwishen Mitteleuropa und Nahost, Frankfurt a. M., 2005, pp. 59-64

"The Leo Baeck Institute and German-Jewish Historiography on the Holocaust", in David Bankier & Dan Michman, eds., Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements, Jerusalem, 2008, pp. 305-323

“Am Vorabend der Zerstörung: Krisenbewusstsein und Geschichtsverständnis in der ungarisch-jüdischenn Presse 1938-1944”, in: François Guesnet (ed.), Zwischen Graetz und Dubnow. Jüdische Historiographie in Ostmitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert  (published in the series 'Geschichtswissenschaft und Geschichtskultur im 20. Jahrhundert, Band 10), Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2009, pp. 223 – 247

"A 'Usable Past' and the Crisis of the European Jews: Popular Jewish Historiography in Germany, France and Hungary in the 1930s", Ezra Mendelssohn, Stefani Hoffmann & Richard Cohen, eds., Against the Grain, Jewish Intellectuals in Hard Times, New York & Oxford, Berghahn, 2014, pp. 213 - 239

"History, science, and social consciousness in the German Jewish public discourse during the first years of the Nazi regime", in: Paul Mendes-Flohr, Rachel Livneh-Freudenthal, and Guy Miron, eds., Jewish historiography between past and future: 200 years of Wissenschaft des Judentums, Berlin, 2019, pp. 105-125

"Ghettos and Ghettoization – History and Historiography", Wiley Companion to the Holocaust, Hoboken NJ, Wiley, 2020, pp. 247-262

"Towards a transnational Jewish Historiography: Reflections on a Possible Future Path for the German-Jewish Past", in: Gideon Reuveni & Diana Franklin, eds., The Future of the German Jewish Past, Memory and the Question of Antisemitism. Prude University Press, West Lafayette Indiana, 2021, pp. 229-237 

"A National Movement under Persecution: Zionism in Nazi Germany", in: Colin Shindler, ed., Routledge Handbook on Zionism, Routledge, London & New York, 2024, pp. 362-371

In Hebrew

“The National Israeli Narrative through German-Jewish Eyes”, in: Anita Shapira, ed., A State in the Making, Israeli Society in the First Decades, Jerusalem, 2001, pp. 161-187

“Books and Libraries as a Cultural Metaphor in the World of German Jews in Israel”, in: Yosef Kaplan & Moshe Sluhovsky, eds., Libraries and Book Collections, The Zalman Shazar Center For Jewish History, Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 351-367

“The Breslau Rabbinical Seminary: The last Generation”, in: Guy Miron. Ed., From Breslau to Jerusalem, Rabbinical Seminaries: Research and Reflections, The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies & Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, 2009, pp. 86 – 99.

“Zionism and Jewish Nationalism in Germany – On the ‘Special way’ between East and West, in: Allon Gal, ed., World Regional Zionism: Geo-Cultural Dimensions, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2010, vol 1, pp. 281 – 339

"Identities in Transformation: From Germany to Eretz-Israel", in: Shlomo Izre'el (ed.). The Speech Machine as a Language Teacher: Hebrew Spoken Here, Hebrew Voices from Nazi Germany: A Testimony on Spoken Hebrew and Life in Palestine during the British Mandate, Tel Aviv University Press, Tel Aviv, 2012, pp. 34-55

"Emancipation Jewry in Germany: Historiography, Memory and Legacy", in: Milestones : Essays in Jewish history dedicated to Zvi (Kuti) Yekutiel, editors: Immanuel Etkes, David Assaf, Yosef Kaplan, Jerusalem, 2015, pp. 229-237 

“Jewish in Nazi Germany – A View ‘from Below’ ”, Yad Vashem Studies, vol 28 (1999), pp.  441-460. Review of Marion A. Kaplan, Between Dignity and Despair – Jewish Life in Nazi Germany, Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford, 1998. (Hebrew version pp. 347-361)

Peter Alter, ed., Out of the Third Reich, Refugee Historians in Post-War Britain, The German Historical Institute London, London & New York, 1998. Zion, 63 (1999), pp. 410-414 (Hebrew).

Eleonore Lappin, Der Jude 1916-1928, Jüdische Moderne zwischen  Universalismus und Partikularismus, Leo Baeck Institute & Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2000.  Zion, 67 (2002), pp. 231-235 (Hebrew).

Wolf Gruner, Öffentliche Wohlfahrt und Judenverfolgung. Wechselwirkungen lokaler und zentraler Politik im NS-Staat (1933 - 1942), Institut für Zeitgeschichte, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 2002. Zion, 69 (2004), pp. 381-385 (Hebrew).

Walter Laqueur, Generation Exodus: The Fate of Young Jewish Refugees from Germany, Hanover and London: Brandeis University Press, 2001, Review in: Journal of Israeli  History, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2003, pp. 135-139

Katharina Gerstenberger, Truth to Tell, German Women’s Autobiographies and Turn-of-the-Century Culture, Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press, 2000 & Miriam Gebhardt, Das Familiengedächtnis, Erinnerung im deutsch-jüdischen Bürgertum 1890 bis 1932, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1999, Pp. 229, Review in: The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol 43 (2003), pp. 643-647

Amos Elon, The Pity of It all, A History of the Jews in Germany, 1743-1933, Review of the Hebrew Version, Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Vol 15 (2005), pp. 489-497 (Hebrew)

Árpád von Klimó, Nation, Konfession, Geschichte. Zur nationalen Geschichtskultur Ungarns im europäischen Kontext (1860-1948), R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2003, Historia, vol 17, February 2006, pp. 113-118 (Hebrew)

Steven E. Aschheim, In Times of Crisis, Essays on European Culture, Germans, and Jews, Madison Wisconsin, 2001, Review in: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume 96 (Spring 2006), pp. 296-298

Yvonne Kleinmann, Neue Orte – neue Menschen, Jüdische Lebensformen in St. Petersburg und Moskau im 19. Jahrhundert, Schriften des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2006, Review in: Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe, Summer 1 (58) 2007, pp. 105-111

"The Jews of Iraq: History and Memory – A New Look: on Reuven Snir's book, Arabness, Jewishness and Zionism," Pe'amim, Studies in Oriental Jewry, 116 - summer 2008, pp. 151-156 (Hebrew)

Atina Grossmann, Jews, Germans, and Allies, Close Encounters in Occupied Germany, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2007, Zion, 73 (2008), pp. 525 – 529 (Hebrew).

"Between Baghdad and Ramat Gan: Iraqi Jews in Israel, By Esther Meir-Glitzenstein", Review Essay, Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, Tel Aviv University, No. 15 (2009), pp. 193 - 204 (Hebrew).

"Youthful Plots: Autobiographies of Polish-Jewish Youth Between the Two World Wars, Selected Edited and Translated by Ido Bassok", Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, Tel Aviv University, No. 20 (2012), pp. 219 - 224 (Hebrew).

"Seeking a Homeland: The Jewish Territorial Organization and its struggle with the Zionist Movement, 1905 – 1925, By Gur Alroey", Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, Tel Aviv University, No. 21 (2013), pp. 283 - 288 (Hebrew).

"Revisiting the Concentration Camps", review article on Kim Wünschmann, Before Auschwitz, Jewish Prisoners in the Prewar Concentration Camps, Cambridge MA & London, Harvard University Press, 2015,  Yad Vashem Studies, 44 (1) (2016), pp. 271-281