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Izhak Berkovich, Professor

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The Open University The Dorothy De Rothschild Campus One University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 43107, Israel
Office:972-9-7783314 Email:izhakb@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

Izhak Berkovich is a Full Professor at the Open University of Israel (OUI). He served as the head of the Research Institute for Policy Analysis at OUI (2016-2022). He is a member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Educational Management, the Social Psychology of Education and the International Studies in Sociology of EducationIzhak is a member of the Israeli Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He is also a research fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at the Education University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the strategic and the micro aspects of leading educational organizations, as well as on educational policy, governance, and planning.
Career Highlights:

2010 – 2016
Ph.D., Policy, Administration and Leadership in Education Division, School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Supervisor: Prof. Ori Eyal)
2006 – 2009
M.A., Policy, Administration and Leadership in Education Division, School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Summa Cum Laude)
2003 – 2006
B.A., Behavioral Sciences and Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Summa Cum Laude)
2023 – present
Professor (Full), Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel​
2019 – 2023
Associate Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel​
2016 – 2019
Senior Lecturer, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2023 – present
Head, Ph.D. Program in Education: Technologies in Learning Systems, OUI
2021 – present
Head, M.A. Program in Educational Administration, Policy and Leadership, OUI
2020 – 2023
Responsibility for Academic Quality Assurance, OUI 
2020 – 2022
Co-chair, Steering Committee, School of Local Government, OUI
2019 – 2022
Chair, Education and Psychology Subcommittee, OUI
2016 – 2022
Head of the Research Institute for Policy Analysis, OUI
Emerging Scholar Award from the Educational Change SIG of the American Educational Research Association​
Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award in the Educational Leadership and Strategy category
2013 – 2014
Azrieli Fellows Program for Academic Excellence and Leadership, Azrieli Foundation
2011 – 2014
Presidential Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral Students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
School of Education Excellence Award for Outstanding Graduate Students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rector Award for Outstanding Graduate Students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007 – 2008
Excellence Fellowship for Graduate Students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Education Excellence Award, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
2007 – 2012
Young Scholar, The Center for Strategic Planning in Education at the Van Leer Institute (Under the Supervision of Prof. Dan Inbar)

* indicates graduate student co-author

German Ben-Hayun, S., & Berkovich, I. (in press). Social activism against the desecularization of non-religious state education in Israel: A social movement lens. Politics and Religion.

Moshel, S., & Berkovich, I. (in press). The centrality of care ethics in narratives of primary school homeroom teachers. Journal of Moral Education

Berkovich, I. (in press). Gender stereotypes of feminine and masculine school management and leadership: Examination of traits and behaviours. Gender in Management.

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I., & Yosef-Hassidim, D. (in press). Principal-teachers agreement on teachers' interpersonal emotion regulation: Relations with principals' transformational leadership, teaching staff positive collective emotions, and teaching staff organizational commitment. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher

Berkovich, I. (in press). OCB saints and OCB sinners in schools: Effects of principals’ leadership styles on teachers' motivation by OCB levels. ECNU Review of Education.

*Kabesa, R., & Berkovich, I. (in press). Gendered constructions of good management by men school leaders: Between hegemonic and caring masculinity. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership.

Hassan, T., & Berkovich, I. (in press). Digital instructional leadership in schools facing different levels of challenging contexts: A survey study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Management in Education.

Berkovich, I. (in press). The great resignation: Exploring the effect of regular and digital instructional leadership on teachers' intention to leave. Management in Education.

Berkovich, I., & Hassan, T. (in press). Principals' digital transformational leadership, teachers' commitment, and school effectiveness. Education Inquiry.

Berkovich, I., & Becher, A. (2025). Historical changes in teacher training in Israel: An analysis of professional perceptions from 1960 to 2020. Journal of Education for Teaching, 51(2), 350-365.

*Harduf, N., & Berkovich, I. (2025). A qualitative study of kindergarten teachers' views on superintendents' authority and power. International Journal of Educational Management, 39(1), 259-274.

*Tarantul, A., & Berkovich, I. (2025). Self-determination theory and teachers’ motivations to perform emotional labor and emotion work: Qualitative study of narratives about coping with students' discipline problemsSocial Psychology of Education, 28(39), 1-23.

*Harduf, N., & Berkovich, I. (2024). Qualitative study of kindergarten teacher-superintendent interactions: Symbolic interaction analysis. International Journal of Early Childhood, 56, 383-402.

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. (2024). Ethics education in management in academia and HRD: An identity control theory-based model. Journal of Workplace Learning, 36(8), 658-675. 

German Ben-Hayun, S., & Berkovich, I. (2024). Analysis of media reporting on desecularization in non-religious public education in Israel. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 33(3), 389-411.

Berkovich, I., & Hassan, T. (2024). Principals’ digital instructional leadership during the pandemic: Impact on teachers' intrinsic motivation and students' learning. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 52(4), 934-954.

*Tarantul, A., & Berkovich, I. (2024). Teachers’ emotion regulation in coping with discipline issues: Differences and similarities between primary and secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 139, 104439, 1-8.

Hassan, T., & Berkovich, I. (2024). Principal's abusive leadership and teachers' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: The moderating roles of duration of relationship and group size. International Journal of Educational Management, 38(3), 374-390.

*Kabesa, R., & Berkovich, I. (2024).  A qualitative exploration of perceptions of masculinity and fatherhood of male school leaders. Gender and Education, 36(1), 37-53.

Berkovich, I., & Hassan, T. (2023). Teachers’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as mediators of the effect of principals’ perceived distributed leadership on organizational learning capability. International Journal of Educational Management, 37(6/7), 1552-1570.

Berkovich, I. (2023). Effect of enabling and coercive bureaucracies and of perceived organizational support during the pandemic on teachers’ intention to leave the profession. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 9(2), 161-172.

Berkovich, I., & Grinshtain, Y. (2023). A review of rigor and ethics in qualitative educational administration, management, and leadership research articles published in 1999-2018. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22(3), 549-564.

Berkovich, I. (2023). Emotional capital in schools: Principals’ caring leadership as a moderator of the mediated association between emotional geographies and school climate. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 8(2), 125-143.

*Or, M.H., Berkovich, I. (2023). Participative decision making in schools in individualist and collectivist cultures: The micro-politics behind distributed leadership​. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 51(3), 533-553.

Moshel, S., & Berkovich, I. (2023). Supervisors as definers of a new middle-level managers' leadership model: Typology of four middle-level leadership prototypes in early childhood education. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22(2), 330-346. 

*Vaitzman Ben David, H., & Berkovich, I. (2022). Functions and relational aspects of mentoring for novice teachers during the second year of teachingJournal of Education for Teaching, 48(5), 549-560.

Berkovich, I., & *Gueta, B. (2022). Teachers' authentic leadership and psychological need satisfaction climate in second chance programmes: The moderating role of teachers' genderEducational Management Administration and Leadership, 50(6), 995-1012.

Berkovich, I., & Perry-Hazan, L. (2022). Publicwashing in education: Definition, motives, and manifestations. Educational Researcher, 51(6), 411-418.

Bogler, R., & Berkovich, I. (2022). A systematic review of empirical evidence on teachers' organizational commitment 1994-2018. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(3), 440-457.

*Benji-Rabinovitz, S., & Berkovich, I. (2022). The colours of change ownership: A qualitative exploration of types of change agents' psychological ownership during school change. Journal of Change Management, 22(2), 99-119.

*Shorosh, S., & Berkovich, I. (2022). The relationships between workgroup emotional climate, and teachers’ burnout and coping style. Research Papers in Education, 37(2)182-198.

*Gueta, B., & Berkovich, I. (2022). Effect of autonomy-supportive climate in a second chance programme for at-risk youth on dropout risk: The mediating role of adolescents' sense of authenticity. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 37, 85-100.

Wasserman, V.​, & Berkovich, I. (2022). ​Higher education professionals in the age of NPM and digital knowledge: Distinction strategies for forming new occupational capitalStudies in Higher Education, 47(1), 146-158.

Berkovich, I., & Grinshtain, Y. (2022). Typology of "tough love" leadership in urban schools facing challenging circumstances. Urban Education, 57(1), 108-134.

*Vaitzman Ben David, H., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Associations between novice teachers' perceptions of their relationship to their mentor and professional commitmentTeachers and Teaching, 27(1-4), 284-299.

​Eyal, O., Da'as, R., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Ethical considerations of Bedouin Arab school leaders: Negotiating Eurocentric and indigenous decision-making values. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 49(5), 786-806.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2021). Profiles of emotional feedback and their effect on principal's attributed charisma and leader-member exchange quality (LMX). The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(4), 349–359.

Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Ideal teachers according to TALIS: Societal orientations of education and global diagnosis of teacher self-efficacy. European Educational Research Journal, 20(2), 143-158.

Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Learning from intelligent failure: An organizational resource for school improvement. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(4), 402-421.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2021). Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and moral reasoning. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(2), 131-148.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2021). Teachers' Big Five personality traits, emotion regulation patterns, and moods: Mediation and prototype analyses. Research Papers in Education, 36(3), 332-354.

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2021). Conceptualising the mediating paths linking effective school leadership to teachers' organisational commitment. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 49(3), 410-429.

Berkovich, I. (2021). Defensive citizenship in Europe: Definition and measurement. Political Studies Review, 19(1), 148-156.

Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2021). Framing the role of the school leader in OECD documents: A critical analysis. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(1), 41-54.

*Friedman, D., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Influence tactics and "second-order" change in schools: Case study research of principals' political behaviors and strategies. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(1), 327-339.​

*Benji-Rabinovitz, S., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Psychological ownership of a team of change agents during second-order change in schools, and its implications for school culture. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(1), 75-86.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2020). School leaders' emotional support of teachers through emotional transformation: Qualitative insights into the maintenance of teachers' occupational identity. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 19(4), 625-639.

Berkovich, I. (2020). Something borrowed, something blue: Reflections on theory borrowing in educational administrationJournal of Educational Administration, 58(6), 749-760.​

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2020). The relationship between school leadership standards and school administration imperatives: An international perspective. School Leadership and Management, 40(4), 321-334.

Berkovich, I. (2020). Conceptualisations of empathy in K-12 teaching: A review of empirical research. Educational Review, 72(5), 547-566.

Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2020). Marketing teacher quality: Critical discourse analysis of OECD documents on effective teaching and TALIS. Critical Studies in Education, 61(4), 496-511.

Eyal, O., & Schwartz, T., & Berkovich, I. (2020). Ideological leadership in public schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 58(3), 303-320.

Berkovich, I. (2020). Micropolitics, senior management teams, and principals' inner circle: A structural exploration. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 19(2), 290-303.

Moshel, S., & Berkovich, I. (2020). Navigating ambiguity: Early childhood leaders’ sense-making of their identity in a new mid-level role. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 48(3), 514–531

Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2020). The educational aims of the OECD in its TALIS insight and lesson reports: Exploring societal orientations. Critical Studies in Education, 61(2), 166-179.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2020). Ethics education in leadership development: Adopting multiple ethical paradigms. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 48(2), 270-285.

Berkovich, I. (2019). Process implementation perspective on neoliberal regulation: A comparative analysis of national curricula and standards-based reforms in the USA and Australia. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(5), 593-609.

Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2019). Understanding OECD representations of teachers and teaching: A visual discourse analysis of covers in OECD documents. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(2), 132-146.

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2019). DESCP factors: The "invisible" impediments to reforms in education. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51(3), 239-255.

Avigur-Eshel, A., & Berkovich, I. (2019). Introducing managerialism into national educational contexts through pseudo-conflict: A discursive institutionalist analysis. International Journal of Educational Development, 68, 1-8.

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. (2019). Ethics in third sector-school partnerships: A conceptual framework. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(4), 345-360.

Berkovich, I., & Wasserman, V. (2019). Exploring narratives of non-faculty professionals in neoliberal higher education: A cultural appropriation perspective on librarians. Studies in Higher Education, 44(6), 1039-1051.

Berkovich, I. (2019). Educational governance transition in a social democratic country: A process-tracing analysis. Journal of Educational Change, 20(2), 193-219.

Avigur-Eshel, A., & Berkovich, I. (2018). Who ‘likes’ public education: Social media activism, middle-class parents, and education policy in Israel. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39(6), 844-859. 

Berkovich, I. (2018). Will it sink or will it float: Putting three common conceptions about principals' transformational leadership to the test. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46(6), 888-907.

Berkovich, I. (2018). Typology of trust relationships: Profiles of teachers' trust in principal and their implications. Teachers and Teaching, 24(7), 749-767.

Berkovich, I. (2018). When the going gets tough: Schools in challenging circumstances and the effectiveness of principals' leadership styles. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28(5), 348-364.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2018). Help me if you can: Psychological distance and help-seeking intentions in employee-supervisor relations. Stress and Health, 34(3), 425-434.

Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2018). A cross-national examination of the effect of the Schwartz cultural dimensions on PISA performance assessments. Social Indicators Research, 139(2), 825-845.

Berkovich, I. (2018). Beyond qualitative/quantitative structuralism: The positivist qualitative research and the paradigmatic disclaimer. Quality and Quantity, 52(5), 2063–2077.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2018). Principals' emotional support and teachers' emotional reframing: The mediating role of principals' supportive communication strategies. Psychology in the Schools, 55(7), 867-879.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2018). The effects of principals’ communication practices on teachers' emotional distress. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46(4), 642–658.

Berkovich, I. (2018). Policymakers' regulatory mindset, the regulatory governance body of the system, and the regulated soul of educators. Comparative Education Review, 62(2), 178-198.

Berkovich, I. (2018). Effects of principal-teacher gender similarity on teacher's trust and organizational commitment. Sex Roles, 78(7), 561-572.

Avigur-Eshel, A., & Berkovich, I. (2017). Using Facebook differently in two education policy protests. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 11(4), 596-611. 

Berkovich, I. (2017). Educational reform hyperwaves: Reconceptualizing Cuban's theories of change. Journal of Educational Change, 18(4), 413-438.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2017). Good cop, bad cop: Exploring school principals' emotionally manipulative behaviours. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 45(6), 944-958.

Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2017). There is no 'T' in school improvement: The missing team perspective. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 922-929.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2017). Methodological review of studies on educational leaders and emotions (1992-2012): Insights into the meaning of an emerging research field in educational administration. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(5), 469-491.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2017). Emotional reframing as a mediator of the relationships between transformational school leadership and teachers' motivation and commitment. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(5), 450-468.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2017). The mediating role of principals’ transformational leadership behaviors in promoting teachers’ emotional wellness at work: A study in Israeli primary schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 45(2), 316-335.

Berkovich, I. (2017). Reflections on leadership preparation programs and social justice: Are the power and the responsibility of the faculty all in the design?. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(3), 261-279.

Berkovich, I. (2017). Social justice leadership in education, activism and social change: Conceptual framework and discussion in the Israeli context. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 35, 191-222. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I. (2016). School leaders and transformational leadership theory: Time to part ways?. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(5), 609-622.

Berkovich, I. (2016). Pedagogy out of order: Relinking critical teaching with the dialogical aspect of transformative learning. Teachers College Record. [Commentary]

Berkovich, I. (2016). The corrupted industry and the “wagon-wheel effect”: A cross-country exploration of the effect of government corruption on public service effectiveness. Administration and Society, 48(5), 559-579.

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2015). Educational leaders and emotions: An international review of empirical evidence 1992-2012. Review of Educational Research, 58(1), 129-167. 

Berkovich, I. (2014). Between person and person: Dialogical pedagogy in authentic leadership development. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 13(2), 245-264.

Berkovich, I. (2014). A socio-ecological framework of social justice leadership in education. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(3), 282-309.

Berkovich, I. (2014). Neo-liberal governance and the ‘new professionalism’ of Israeli principals. Comparative Education Review, 58(3), 428-456.

Berkovich, I. (2013). A multidimensional approach in international comparative policy analysis based on demographic projections. Population Research and Policy Review, 32(6), 943-968.

Berkovich, I., & Foldes, V.J. (2012). Third sector involvement in public education: The Israeli case. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(2), 173-187.

Berkovich, I. (2011). No we won’t! Teachers’ resistance to educational reform. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(5), 563-578.

Eyal, O., Berkovich, I., & Schwartz, T. (2011). Making the right choice: Ethical judgments among educational leaders. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(4), 396- 413.

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. (2010). National challenges, educational reforms, and their influence on school management: The Israeli case. Educational Planning, 19(4), 44- 63.

Yoeli, R., & Berkovich, I. (2010). From personal ethos to organizational vision: Narratives of visionary educational leaders. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(4), 451-467.

Berkovich, I. (2024). Emotional geographies of teaching, empathic communication, democratic school climate, and teacher burnout. In M. J. O’Hair, P. Woods, & H. D. O’Hair (Eds.), Communication and education: Promoting peace and democracy in times of crisis and conflict (pp. 216-235). Wiley Blackwell.

Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2024). Critical discourse analysis: Language, ideology, and power. In M. Stacey & N. Mockler (Eds.), Analysing education policy: Theory and method (pp. 28-43). Routledge.

Berkovich, I. (2023). Organizational imprinting theory of centralization: Toward a historical process framework. In A. Nir (Ed.), Centralization: Benefits and drawbacks (pp. 149-166). Nova Science Publishers.

Berkovich, I. (2023). The multitude of faces of empathy in teaching: Conceptualizations and findings. In Y. Naot (Ed.), Between people - The boundaries of empathy (pp. 53-73). Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute. [Hebrew].

Avigur-Eshel, A., & Berkovich, I. (2022). Using Facebook for policy-oriented protest: Usage patterns, life experiences, and their relationship. In A. Avigur-Eshel & I. Berkovich (Eds.), Public policy in the digital age of information (pp. 170-191). Jerusalem: Academon Press. [Hebrew].

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. (2021). School leadership, followers’ emotional experience, and self-regulation: Applying the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) approach to educational management. In J. Chen & R. B. King (Eds.), Emotions in learning, teaching, and leadership: Asian perspectives (pp. 184-197). London: Routledge.

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2021). Out of context? The impact of contextual factors on educational reforms. In K. Arar, G. Kurtz, J. Abu-Hussain & H. Bar-Yishay (Eds.), Education as a complex system (pp. 355-379). Haifa: Pardes Publishing. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2018). Feelings, moods, and emotion in schools: Affective perspectives. In M. Connolly, D. H. Eddy-Spicer, C. James, & S. D. Kruse (Eds.), SAGE handbook of school organization (pp. 210-227). SAGE.

Eyal, O., & Berkovich, I. (2023). Empirical understanding of school leaders’ ethical judgements: Applications of the Ethical Perspectives Instrument. Routledge. Buy

Berkovich, I(2021). Education policy, theories and trends in the 21st century: International and Israeli perspectives. Springer. Buy

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2020). A model of emotional leadership in schools: Effective leadership to support teachers’ emotional wellness. Routledge. Buy

Berkovich, I., & Avigur-Eshel, A. (2019). Digital protest and activism in public education: Reactions to neoliberal restructuring in Israel. Emerald Publishing. Buy

Berkovich, I. (2018). Educational policy, processes and trends in the 21st century. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. [Hebrew]. Contents | Buy

Avigur-Eshel, A., & Berkovich, I. (Eds.) (2022). Public policy in the digital age of information. Jerusalem: Academon Press. [Hebrew].

Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Failures in school and school failures: Lessons for successful school management. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(4).

Chen, J., Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2021). School leaders’ emotional experiences and capabilities: Perspectives, challenges, and prospects. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(4).

Berkovich, I., Benoliel​, P. (2021). Organisational perspectives on globalisation in education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(1).

Bogler, R., Berkovich, I., & Rosenkrantz, O. (2021). Sociology of education- Study guide. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. [Hebrew].

Bogler, R., Berkovich, I., & Rosenkrantz, O. (Eds.) (2021). Sociology of education- A reader. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. Contents

Berkovich, I., & Moshel, S. (2019). Ethics in education- Study guide. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I., & Moshel, S. (Eds.) (2019). Ethics in education- A reader. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. Contents

Grinshtain, Y., Blau, I., & Berkovich, I. (2018). Qualitative research in education- Study guide. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. [Hebrew].

Grinshtain, Y., Blau, I., & Berkovich, I. (Eds.) (2018). Qualitative research in education- A reader. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. Contents

Berkovich, I. (2017). Educational policy- Study guide. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I. (Ed.) (2017). Educational policy- A reader. Raanana: The Open University of Israel. Contents

Berkovich, I., & Eyal, O. (2023). Ethical literacy in leadership development. In D. Poff & A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of business and professional ethics (pp. 768-772). Springer.

Berkovich, I. (2020). Leadership research, periods of. In M. David & M. Amey (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of higher education (pp. 945-946). SAGE.

Blass, N., Avgar, I., & Berkovich, I. (2012). A different perspective on the Israeli education system: Evaluating the system with complementary criteria to academic achievements. [Hebrew].

Avgar, I., Berkovich, I., & Shalev-Vigiser, Y. (2012). Building trust in the education system: Perceptions of teachers and principals. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I. (2012). A revised regularization of the relations between the local authorities and the Ministry of Education. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I., & Shalev-Vigiser, Y. (2010). Alternative teacher education in Israel. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I., Choen, T., Schwartz, T., & Herman, N. (2010). Teacher evaluation policy. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Berkovich, I., & Markman N. (2010). The state and teachers’ organizations. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Shiffer, V., Berkovich, I., Bar-Yehuda, S., & Almog-Bareket, G. (2010). Third sector involvement in the Israeli school system. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. [Hebrew].

Research Interests
Leadership, emotions, motivation, identity, ethics, social justice, policy making, and reforms

Academic Supervision, OUI
2020 – present
M.A. Course: "Ethics in Education" (14032)
2018 – 2021
B.A. Course: "Curriculum Design, Development, and Implementation" (10106)
2017 – present
M.A. Course: "Educational Policy" (10428)
2015 – present
B.A. Course: "Classroom Interaction" (10328)
2015 – present
B.A. Course: "Implementing Innovations in Educational Systems" (10318)
2015 – present
B.A. Course: "Leadership and its Applications in Education" (10528)
Other Teaching Experience
2013 – 2015
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, B.A. Course: "Workshop for the Advanced B.A. Program"
2013 – 2014
Orot College, M.A. Course: "Educational Leadership and Emotions"
2013 – 2014
Lander Institute, B.A. Courses: "Excellence in Educational Leadership" and "Educational Leadership and Emotions"
Supervision of Master's Theses
Educational Administration, Policy and Leadership Program, OUI
Noa Harduf (see publicaton)
Arina Tarantul (see publicaton)
Roei Kabessa​ (see publication 1see publication 2)
Mor Hodaya Or (see publicaton)
Sondos Shorosh (see publication)
Devora Friedman (see publication)
Shiran Benji-Rabinovitz  (see publication 1, see publication 2)
Hila Vaitzman Ben David (see publicaton 1, see publication 2​)