Born: Tel-Aviv, Israel
Languages: (Hebrew), English, French, adequate Italian, adequate German, reading and writing abilities in Russian

PhD, Art History, City University of New York (CUNY) Dissertation: Théodore Géricault's 'Grande suite anglaise' - its sources, iconography and significance Advisors: Prof. Diane Kelder, Art History Dept., CUNY Graduate Center; Prof. Patricia Mainardi, Art History Dept., CUNY Graduate Center
MA., Modern Art History, Faculty of the Arts, Tel-Aviv University Thesis: Colour in Pre-Raphaelite Painting: 'Truth to Nature' - Symbolism - Moral Message
BFA, Art and Art Education, Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri (+ Teaching certificate, State of Missouri)

Research and Further Educational Endeavors
German language studies, The Goethe Institute, Berlin
Curatorial research conducted at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York as part of the requirements for a PhD degree

Professional and Academic Experience
The Open University, Tel-Aviv. Author, producer and teaching coordinator of Art History: An Introduction
Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem. Lectures on Modern Art as well as Israeli Art and Symbolism
Weekly art critiques for the Literary Supplement of the daily Haaretz, curator of art exhibitions, judge for "The Israel America Cultural Foundation" Visual Arts Scholarship fund, member of the Visual Arts Advisory Committee of "Omanut La'am", Israel's Ministry of Education and Culture's Organization of Cultural affairs
Hunter College, New York, Introduction courses in Art History
The Open University, author, producer and course coordinator of Italian Renaissance Art. Art critic for the daily newspaper Maariv (1988-1989), regular contributor to Studio art journal
State Art Teachers' College, Ramat Hasharon, Israel, lecturing on methods of teaching art, modern Art History and Israeli and Jewish art, broadcasting critiques on art exhibits in the morning news broadcast of "Kol Israel" (The Voice of Israel) radio station
Beer Sheva Teachers' College; lecturing on Methods of Teaching Art, Israeli and Jewish Art

Participation in Professional Conferences
The Society for Utopian Studies Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas The Sixth International Seminar on Jewish Art: "The Bible: Scripture and Picture," The Van-Lear Institute, Jerusalem
"The Association of Jewish Art", Jerusalem, The Israel Museum
"The Association of Jewish Art", Jerusalem, The Israel Museum
The Fifth International Seminar on Jewish Art: "The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art," Jerusalem, The Van-Lear Institute

Academic and Professional Awards
German language and culture studies stipend from the Goethe Institute, Tel-Aviv, for a two month stay in Berlin with organized meetings with museum curators and art historians. Subject of research: Jewish artists and German culture (prior to World War 1)
British Council scholarship for a two-week research in Britain; meetings with gallery and museum curators throughout Britain. Subject of research: Pre-Raphaelite style and its relation to the beginnings of Israeli art and culture
French Embassy Cultural Attaché stipend for further research conducted towards PhD degree. Subject of research: Théodore Géricault's lithographs at the Bibliothèque de lÉcole des Beaux Arts in Paris and the Musée des Beaux Arts, Rouen. Meetings arranged with Musée du Louvre curators and Bibliothèque curator

List of Publications
Joseph Budko and H. N. Bialik's Jubilee Edition: Hebrew Art and Poetry in Harmony, Sifriat Ofakim, Am-Oved Publishing, Tel-Aviv
Lo and Behold, Visual Aspects of Zionist Myths in Israeli Culture, Sifriat Ofakim, Am Oved Publishing, Tel-Aviv.
Zipora Brenner, her Life and Work, Tel-Aviv, private publishing house.

Chapters in edited books
"Three Decades of the Paintings of Shmuel Bonneh," in Homeland of the Pomegranate, Eretz-Israel in the Paintings of Shmuel Bonneh and the Poetry of Ya'acov Orland, The Open Museum, Industrial Park, Tefen.
"A Paean to Mud," in Ways of Clay, Five Decades of Cermaic Art in Israel, Beit Aharon Kahana Museum, Ramat-Gan.
"Motifs and Artistic Influences in Ceramic Tile Decorations on Tel-Aviv Building Facades," in Batia Carmiel, Edina Meir-Meril and Alec Mishory, Tile Adorned City, The Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv.
Le reportage réaliste d'un observateur objectif: la suite anglaise de Théodore Géricault," in Emmanuelle Brugerolles (ed.), Dessins et Lithographies de Théodore Géricault dans les collections de la Bibliothèque de l'École des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1997 (reviewed in The Burlington Magazine, July 1998, and in The Print Quarterly, March 1999).
"And Behold, an Olive Branch in its Beak," in Batia Doner, Artists for Peace, The Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv.

Published catalogues (scientific texts)
"Menorah and Olive Branches" in The Menorah, catalogue of an exhibition at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Olive Branches, Sacred Stones and a Rampant Lion: The Design Process of Jerusalem's Municipal Emblem, Catalogue of an Exhibition, City Gallery, Jerusalem.
Ronit Etrog, Princes: Points of View, Catalogue of an exhibition at the Janco-Dada Museum, Ein-Hod.
Receptacle and Contents: Pots and Images of Pots in Contemporary Israeli Art, Catalogue of an Exhibition. Jerusalem: The Artists House.
Ceramics from Israel, Catalogue of an exhibition, Ceramic Artists Association of Israel and the Israel Foreign Ministry (exhibition in Turkey).
Ceramics - Israel, 1992, catalogue of an exhibition, Ceramic Artists Association of Israel, the Israel Foreign Ministry (exhibition in Germany).
Beyond the Gold: Jerusalem, Catalogue of an Exhibition, City Art Gallery of Rehovot, Rehovot.
Ofra Zimbalista, Catalogue of an exhibition at the Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv.
The Ceramic Sculpture of David Morris, Catalogue of an exhibition, Herzlia, the Herzlia Art Museum.

Refereed articles in scientific journals
"Théodore Géricault's Pity the Sorrows of a Poor Old Man Whose Trembling Limbs Have Borne him to Your Door: The Sources and Iconography of an Early Realist Social Observation," The Print Quarterly.
"Théodore Géricault's A Paraleytic (sic) Woman: An Interpretation", Gazette des Beaux Arts.
"The History of Israel's National Flag," Cathedra.
"Menorah and Olive Branches: The design Process of the State of Israel's National Emblem," 46 Cathedra.
"William Holman Hunt: English Painter - 'Lover of Zion'," 38 Cathedra.

Open University Books (in Hebrew)
Still Life: From Depicted Objects to Real Objects, 2007.
Zionist Visual Symbols in Israeli Culture, 2006.
Introduction to Art History, 1999.
Renaissance Art in Italy Units 1-2, 1988; Units 3-4, 1989; Units 5-6, 1986; Units 7-8, 1991; Units 9-11, 1994
"The Middle East in 19th Century European Art," in Hagai Erlich, Introduction to the Modern History of the Middle East, Section C (Units 5-6): European Social-Economic Influences, pp. 216-221.
"Rebirth of 'Hebrew' Art: Ideology, Utopia and Searches," in Nurith Gertz, Perspectives on Culture and Society in Israel, The Open University, 1988.

Unrefereed professional articles and publications
The Flag and the Emblem, Israel at Fifty, Jerusalem, Israel Information Center.
"Flying Angels on Top of 'Dutch Mountains': Perspective Distortions as a Significant Element in Conveying the Message in Painting," 18 Studio.
"'Vita Activa' and 'Eternal Glory': the Portrayal of Jewish 'Men of Renown' in the Visual Arts at the Turn of the Century," 26 Studio.
"'Pre-Apocalyptic' Supermarket": An Exhibition of Recent Israeli Art at the Tel-Aviv Museum," Studio.
"Grey and Gold: Frames at the Museum of Modern Art in New-York," 14 Studio.
"Broken Vessels: The Purification Motif in Moshe Gershuni's Ceramic Works," 17 Studio.

Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
"Zionist Escathology: Joseph Budko and the Bible," "Motar" Conference, The Art History Department, Tel-Aviv University.
"Boris Schatz's 'The Garden of Love' Institution as a manifestation of the Biblical "Song of Songs," Society for Utopian Studies Annual Conference, Colorado Springs.
"A Mythical connection: Ghetto Heroism and War of Independence Valor: The Sculptures of Nathan Rappoport," The World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.
"The Dizengoff Prize," The Association of Israeli Studies, Jerusalem.
"Thédore Géricault: Father of French Realism," Lo Straniero, Villa Pisani, Venezia.
"Boris Schatz and the Beginnings of Eretz-Israeli Art," Lo Straniero, Kalgenfurt (Austria) University.
"The Design Process of Theodor Herzl's Tomb on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem," The World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.
"Teaching Art History Courses through Distant Education Methods," The 14th Annual Conference, Asian Association of Open Universities, "Ideology, Pedagogy and Technology, Distance Education", Manila, Philippines.
"'Jerusalem Rebuilt': Boris Schatz's Zionist Utopia and its Relation to William Morris's Socialist Concepts and Enterprizes," The Society for Utopian Studies Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
"The Garden of Love: Zionist Eroticism in Zeev Raban's Illustrations for 'The Song of Songs'," The Sixth International Seminar on Jewish Art: "The Bible: Scripture and Picture", The Van-Lear Institute, Jerusalem.
"Netivot and Bnai Brak: Israeli-Jewish Graphics," The Association of Jewish Art, Jerusalem, The Israel Museum.
"Zionist Resurrection on the Facade of 'The Municipal School' in Tel-Aviv," The Twenty-Ninth Congress of Jewsih Art, organised by The Association of Jewish Art, Jerusalem, The Israel Museum.
"From 'Judaea Capta' to 'Judaea Restituta'," The Association of Jewish Art, Jerusalem, The Israel Museum.
