Born: Jerusalem, Israel
Status: Married, two daughters
Address: 10 Bar Cochva Street, Tel Aviv
1969 |
B.A., Hebrew Literature and Political Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
1973 |
M.A. (with distinction), Poetics & Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv University |
1980 |
Ph.D., Poetics & Comparative Literature, Tel-Aviv University.
Dissertation: "Generation Shift in Literary History: The Generation of the Sixties in Hebrew-Narrative Prose"
Supervisor: Benjamin Hrushovski |

Academic Experience
1974 |
Research Assistant, the Institute of Poetics & Semiotics, Tel-Aviv University. |
1974-1985 |
Instructor, Department of Poetics & Comparative Literature, Tel-Aviv University |
1981 |
Instructor, Levinski Teacher's College, Tel Aviv |
1982-1986 |
Instructor and Course-writer, The Open University, Tel-Aviv |
1984 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Near-Eastern Studies, U.C., Berkeley |
1985-1998 |
Guest Lecturer, Department of Film and Television, Tel-Aviv University |
1986-1993 |
Senior Lecturer, The Open University, Tel-Aviv |
1989-1990 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Judaic Studies, Cinema Studies and Comparative literature Department, Yale University |
1991 - |
Guest lecturer, Department of Poetics and Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv University |
1993-2001 |
Associate Professor, The Open University, Tel-Aviv |
1995 |
Guest lecturer, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University |
1995- |
Editorial Council, Theory and Criticism (Van Leer Institute) |
1996-2000 |
Editorial Board, Dvarim Aherim: Israeli Journal of Communication, Culture and Society (Tel Aviv University) |
1998 - |
Guest Associate Professor, Department of Film and Television, Tel-Aviv University |
1999 - |
Head of the Theoretical Studies, Department of Film and Television, Tel-Aviv University |
1999 |
Editorial Council, Massad: Studies in the Education for Art |
2001 |
Horace W Goldsmith Visiting Professor, Judaic Studies department and Cinema department, Yale University |
2001- |
Full Professor, The Open University, Tel-Aviv |
2001 - |
Editorial Council, Israel: History, Culture, Society |
2002 - |
Editorial Council, Eshcolot Publishing House |
2003 |
Full Professor, Tel Aviv University (on the condition, which could not be fulfilled, of leaving the Open University) |
2006 |
A course on the history of Palestinian cinema, Cinema department, Paris8 university, Paris |
2006 |
Editorial board Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia |
2007 |
Lectures on Palestinian & Israeli Cinema, Summer Institute, Israel Studies, Brandeis University |

Professional Experience
1963-1973 |
Literature, theater and cinema reviewer for the weekly magazine, Haolam Hazeh and the daily newspaper, Yediot Acharonot |

Active Participation in Scientific Conferences
1976 |
"Thematic Structure and Social Outlook in the Generation of the Sixties in Israeli Literature," Symposium in Memory of Yosef Haefrati, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1978 |
"Shifts in Hebrew Literature from the Palmach Generation to the Generation of the Sixties from one Aspect: Standpoints and Speech-Acts in the Literary Work," Symposium in Memory of Yosef Haefrati, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1979 |
"Parody: Its Function in Literary Evolution," Symposium in Memory of Yosef Haefrati, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1979 |
"Literature, Ideology and Society (Systems and Mediating Systems)," The 2nd Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), University of Vienna |
1980 |
"Man and Society in Hebrew Literature from the War of Independence till the Sixties," Symposium on Eretz Yisrael in its Literature, Yad Ben Zvi and the Ministry of Culture and Education (Hebrew) |
1982 |
"Ideology and Poetry: Interrelations between Autonomous Systems," Tenth Congress of the Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), New York University |
1982 |
"Literary and Ideological Trends in the Poetry of Ratosh," Symposium in Memory of Jonathan Ratosh, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1983 |
"Ideology and Conventions in the Literary Text," Convention and Signification: International Symposium, Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheba |
1983 |
"Literature and Culture: Israel in the Fifties," Symposium in Memory of Yosef Haefrati, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1984 |
"Reflection of the 1936-1939 Riots in the Hebrew Literature of the Thirties," Annual Seminar on the Image of the "Other" in Hebrew and Arabic Literature, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1985 |
"From the Poetic Prose to the Prose of Yizhar," The Ninth World Congress on Jewish Studies, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1985 |
"Social Myths in Literary and Non-Literary Texts," ICLA Colloquium, Sussex University |
1985 |
"Culture and Anti-Culture," XIth International Congress of ICLA, 1a Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris |
1985 |
"The Emergence of a Cultural Center": From a National Homeland to an Emergent State 1917-1939, Bar Ilan University and Yad Ben Zvi (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"Zionism and the Canaanite Challenge," Conference on Zionism and its Opponents - The Struggle for Hegemony in the Jewish World, The Institute of Contemporary Judaism, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"Social Myths," Conference on Culture and Society during the Yishuv and the State Periods, The Open University (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"Expressionism in the Stories of Hazaz," Third University Conference for the Study of Hebrew Literature, Bar Ilan University (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"From General Zionism to Labor Movement Zionism: Literary Periodicals during the Thirties," Conference on Hebrew Literature and the Labor Movement in Eretz Yisrael, Ben Gurion University (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"The Language of Myth in Election Posters, Literature and the Press," Conference of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics, Haifa University (Hebrew) |
1986 |
"My Michael: The Novel and the Film," Workshop on University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, The International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem |
1986 |
"Menashe Levine," Symposium on the Stories of Menashe Levine, The French Department, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1987 |
"Ideology and Myth," International Colloquium on Politics and Poetics, Leuven |
1987 |
"Biblical Myths in Modern Hebrew Literature," EJAS Conference, Berlin. |
1987 |
"Two Women - My Michael and 'Atalia' - The Books and the Films," Symposium on: "Stereotypes and their Breakdown in Literature and the Cinema," Tel-Aviv University and the Open University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew) |
1987 |
"L'ideologie comme polysystem politique," colloque-situation et perspective international de la semiotique, Perpignan |
1988 |
"A Guiding Light for the Gentiles - A Myth and its Downfall," The International Conference: 40 Years of Statehood, Institute for the Study of Zionism, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1988 |
"From Hanna to Atalia: A Literature of Exceptions," Conference on Forty Years of Hebrew Literature in Israel, The Department of Hebrew Literature, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1988 |
"The Challenge of the Holocaust to the Jewish Community," The Conference: Remembering for the Future, Oxford |
1988 |
"Ben Ner and Grossman: New Poetics in Israeli Literature," Workshop on University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem |
1988 |
"Native vs. Foreign in War Literature," The Twelfth Congress of the ICLA, Munich |
1988 |
"The Press During the War in Lebanon," Workshop on The Battle Cry in Literature, Films and the Media, Tel-Aviv University and The Open University (Hebrew) |
1989 |
“Adaptations,” Workshop on literature and Cinema, The Film Institute, The Open University and Tel Aviv Cinematec |
1989 |
"Three Days and a Child: The New Wave in Israeli and in French Cinema" Twenty-First Annual Conference of AJS, Boston |
1991 |
"The Presentation of the Other in the Israeli Cinema," A Conference on Israeli Film, Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshaim |
1991 |
"The Mixing of Voices in Israeli Political Cinema, " Society for Cinema Studies Conference, Pittsburg |
1991 |
"The Novel and the Film The Smile of the Lamb,” The Israeli Academic Center, Cairo (Hebrew) |
1992 |
"Israeli and Arab Identities - Modernism and Postmodernism," Conference on Modernism in the Israeli Cinema, Tel Aviv Cinematec; Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University; The Israeli Film Institute (Hebrew) |
1992 |
"Deconstruction and Hebrew Literature: The Smile of the Lamb - The Film and the Novel," Workshop on University Teaching of Modern Hebrew Literature in English Translation, Jerusalem |
1992 |
“The Arab as Other in Cinema and Literature,” Symposium on Cinema, Politics, and Ideology. Department of Communication, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1994 |
“From Darkness to Light” - The Zionist Narrative in Searing Light, Conference on Aharon Apelfeld, Department of Hebrew Literature and the Institute for Judaic Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1995 |
“The Myth of Destruction and Redemption in Israeli Cultural Debate,” The Mason Lectures on Modern-Jewish Mythologies, Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. |
1995 |
“All Poets are Yids,” Respondent. A paper presented by John Fehlstiner to an international conference: “The ‘Other’ as Threat: Demonization and Antisemitism,” Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
1995 |
“Israeli cinema in the 1950s,” A Conference on Developments in Literature, Art and Israeli Thought after the Creation of the State of Israel, Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1995 |
“Le Cinema Israelien et le status de la femme dans la societe Israelienne,” Colloque; Cinema Israelienne, Espace Odeon, Marseille (French) |
1996 |
“The Diaspora Jew Versus the Hebrew Israeli in the films of the 1950s,” A conference: A Hundred Years of Culture in the Land of Israel, The Institute for Judaic Studies and The Institute for Arts and Letters, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1996 |
“Deconstructed Identity and Reality: the Film Time for Cherries,” The 1st Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: The End of a Millennium: Blurred Boundaries, Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University |
1996 |
“The Patriot Film: The Image of Jewish Survivors in the Films of the 1950s,” A conference: Who is a Patriot?: Israeli Patriotism in Education, Culture and Politics, Department of Political Sciences and School of Education, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1996 |
“Strangers and Others - Israeli Films in the 1940s and 1950s,” A conference on Changes in the Research of Israeli Society, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1997 |
“Yehudit Hendel: A Woman’s Perspective on the Holocaust,” A conference: Divergent Centers: Shaping Jewish Cultures in Israel and America, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
1997 |
“I am the Other: They Are Other People, by Yehudit Hendel,” A conference: Textual Voices, Forum for Women Studies and The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1997 |
“The Female Image as a Bridge Toward Peace,” A panel in a conference: Dialogue Around the Mediterranean, Women Writers Talk Peace, Ministry of Education, Foreign Ministry, Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality, Tel Aviv |
1997 |
“The Other in Israeli Cinema of the 1950s,” A conference on Israeli and Palestinian Identities in History, Literature, and the Arts, The Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence |
1997 |
“Visual Media as the Documentation of Israeli Culture,” A symposium, Harvard University, Widener Library, Cambridge |
1997 |
“Israeli Literature and its Other: Hanoch Bartov’s Each Has Six Wings,” The Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1998 |
“Race, Class and Gender: Israeli Cinema” History in Images, Zmanim and History Department, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1998 |
“The Dynamic of Space in Israeli Cinema,” An International Conference on the Theme: “Makom: Spirit and Place in Modern Israel,” The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York |
1998 |
“Woman as a Fertile Land: Israeli Zionist Cinema,” Conference on Women, Nation and New Society, Lafer Center for Women Studies, The Hebrew University (Hebrew) |
1998 |
“The Shaping of the Zionist Discourse and its Deconstruction in Israeli Cinema,” A conference: Fifty Years of Research in the Israeli Arts, Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1998 |
“Holocaust Survivors: a Feminist Look,” A conference: Fifty Years of Israeli Literature: an Identity Card, Faculty of Humanities, The School for Jewish Studies, Department of Hebrew Literature, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1998 |
“Variations of the Image of the Jew in Israeli Cinema,” The 2nd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: La Longue Duree: Framing in Series, Serials and Other Macaroni Forms, Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University |
1999 |
“The Palmach Generation and the State Generation,” Respondent to papers presented by Dan Miron and Menachem Brinker to an International Conference in Commemoration of the 77th Birthday of Yitzhak Rabin: Wars, Revolutions and Generational Identity, Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1999 |
“Security Dilemma: The Literature and the Cinema,” Symposium on Security dilemma to mark the publication of the book: Security Concerns: Learning from the Israeli Experience, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
1999 |
“The Image of the Survivor in Israeli Cinema,” A conference: The Shaping of the Holocaust Memory, University of Haifa (Hebrew) |
1999 |
“The Israeli Cinema: Masculine Geography,” The 30th Sociological Conference, The Israeli Sociological Association (Hebrew) |
1999 |
“Africa: Different Times,” Introduction to a session on the film Come Back Africa, Tel Aviv Colloquium on Visual Anthropology, Tel Aviv University, Goethe Institut, Institut Francais |
1999 |
“The End of the Century, The End of War,” A symposium: Art at the End of the Century. Art Focus, Jerusalem (Hebrew) |
1999 |
“Women Wait Outside: Three Days and a Child and My Michael,” A conference on Uri Zohar, The Open University, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
2000 |
“The Israeli Vision and the Yiddish Spectacle: The last Love of Laura Adler,” A conference: The Spectacle in the Arts, Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
2000 |
“The Israeli Cinema and the History of the Zionist Space,” A conference on Cinema and History, Mishkenot Sha’ananim and The Cinemateque of Jerusalem (Hebrew and French) |
2000 |
“Another Time Another Space: The Literature of Survivors in Israel,” The Howard Gilman International Colloquium: Jewish Culture: America and Israel, New York University |
2000 |
“Gender and Geography in the New Israeli Cinema,” AIS conference, Tel Aviv |
2000 |
“Beyond the Collective: Israeli Documentary Cinema,” The 3rd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: Not To Be Looked At, Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University |
2000 |
“Zionism and Cinema,” A conference: The Zionist Century, The Ben Gurion Research Center (Hebrew) |
2001 |
“Memories of Space in Palestinian Cinema,” 2001 Baker Peace Conference: Language, Literature, and Peace in the Middle East, Ohio University, Department of English and Contemporary History Institute |
2001 |
“Israeli and Palestinian Cinema: Two perspectives On the Same History,” A Symposium on Israeli and Palestinian Cinema, the Judaic Studies Department and Film Department, Yale University |
2002 |
“Through the Mist: Landscapes of the Past in Palestinian Cinema,” Motar Conference: Landscape and Nature in Eretz Israel Through the Ages, Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew) |
2002 |
“‘Bleeding memories’: 1948 in the Palestinian Cinema” (with George Khleifi), The 4th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: Why War, Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University |
2004 |
"My memories, His memories,” International conference on Amos Oz, University of Pennsylvania |
2005 |
"The Roadblock Movies" Ensemble Dans le Present, Les formes artistique: de lesthetique au politique, Colloque international, Paris |
2005 |
Moving Images- The morphing of the Real and It's Vicissitudes," The 6th Tel Aviv International Colloquium on Cinema Studies, Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University and the Open University, June 2006 |
2006 |
International Conference on Immigration, Shasha institute, The Hebrew University |
2006 |
"Bible: New Readings," The Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University |
2006 |
"Socialization for a conflict in a Jewish Israeli society," Tel Aviv University |
2007 |
"The Lost Battle: The War of 1948 in Israeli Film and Literature," With Gal Hermoni & Yael Munk, Conference on Israeli Literature and History, UCLA |
2007 |
"Israel-Palestine Conflict Through Literature and Cinema," The Conflict in Israeli Law & Culture, SIIS Alumni Workshop |
2007 |
"History's Broken Wings" (with Gal Hermoni), conference on Film & History, Department of Film & Television, Tel Aviv University |

Grants and Fellowships
1995 |
“The Israeli Culture (Cinema, Literature and Television) Facing the Holocaust Memory,” The Ben Gurion Research Center, Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
1996 |
Visiting professor at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
2001 |
Grant for preliminary research on Palestinian cinema and culture, The Open University |
2003-2006 |
Grant from the Israeli Science Foundation for a research on Palestinian and Israeli cinema |
2004 |
Visiting professor at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
2005-2006 |
Grant from The Israeli Palestinian Science Organization for a research on Palestinian cinema (with George Khleifi) |
2006 |
Grant from The Minerva Center for Human Rights for Research on Israeli and Palestinian Cinema. |

1972 |
Graduate Excellency Award, Tel-Aviv University |
1973 |
Graduate Excellency Award, Tel-Aviv University |
1979 |
The Dov Sadan Award for outstanding research in Hebrew and Yiddish literature, Tel-Aviv University |

Membership in Professional Organizations
1990-1995 |
Centre interuniversitaire d'analyse du discours et de sociocritique des textes, Universite du Quebec a Montreal |
1992-1996 |
Society for Cinema Studies |

Supervision of Higher Degrees
1995 |
Perchek, Roni. Religion in Israeli Cinema (M.A.), The Department of Religious Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
1998 |
Rofe, Ariela. Intellectuals Between Two Cultures: From the French Modernism to the Hebrew Culture: 1920 - 1948 (Ph.D.), School of History, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Shlomo Zand) |
2002 |
Levi, Itamar. Cinema and Terror in National Conflicts – Ireland and Eretz Israel/Palestine (M.A.), School of History, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Shlomo Zand) |
2002 |
Shteier, Liat. The memory of the Holocaust in Israeli and American Films (Ph.D.), Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Dina Porat) |
In preparation |
Arav, Dan. Trauma, Entertainment and Memory: Television and War in Israel, 1968 – 1991 (Ph.D.), School of History, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Shlomo Zand) |
In preparation |
Borovski, Dganit. Gender in American Cinema in the 70's (Ph.D.), Department of History, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Shlomo Zand) |
In preparation |
Friedman Yael, Politics of self-representation: filmmaking by Palestinian citizens of Israel (Ph.D.), University of Westminster, London |
In preparation |
Harlap Itay, Israeli Television and American Television - Comparison (Ph.D.), Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (with Prof. Jerom Bourdon) |
In preparation |
Hagit Damari, Women in Action Recent Cinema (Ph.D.), Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (with Dr. Anat Zanger) |
In preparation |
Ben Tzvi, Yael. Gender in Palestinian Cinema (M.A.), Department of Cinema & Television, Tel Aviv University (with Dr. Orly Lubin) |
In preparation |
Wiesler, Benyamin. Modernism in Israeli Cinema (M.A.), Department of Cinema & Television, Tel Aviv University (with Dr. Michal Fridman) |
In preparation |
Masad Dana. Collective Memory in Israeli Literature and Cinema (M.A.), Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University |

Other Activities
Member of Organizing Committees
1986 |
Conference on Culture and Society during the Yishuv and the State Period (The Open University) |
1987 |
Symposium on: Stereotypes and their Breakdown in Literature and the Cinema (The Open University and Tel Aviv University) |
1988 |
Symposium on: The Battle Cry in Literature, Films and the Media (The Open University and Tel Aviv University) |
1988 |
Workshop on University Teaching of Jewish Civilization (Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation), Jerusalem |
1989 |
Workshop on literature and Cinema (The Film Institute, The Open University and Tel Aviv Cinematec) |
1992 |
Conference On Modernism in the Israeli Cinema (Tel Aviv Cinematec; Department of film and Television, Tel Aviv University; The Israeli Film Institute) |
1996 |
The 1st Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: The End of a Millennium: Blurred Boundaries (Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University) |
1998 |
The 2nd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: La Longue Duree: Framing in Series, Serials and Other Macaroni Forms (Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University) |
2000 |
The 3rd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: Not To Be Looked At, (Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University) |
2002 |
The 4th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: Why War (Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University) |
2003 |
The 5th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies: Why War (Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University) |
2006 |
The 6th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies. "Moving Images- The morphing of the Real and It's Vicissitudes"(Department of Cinema and Television, Tel Aviv University and the Open University) |
2006 |
International Conference on Immigration, Shasha institute, The Hebrew University |

Activities at the Open University
1998 - |
Chairperson of the Humanities Subcommittee |
1999 - |
President of the Disciplinary Court of Appeals |
1999 |
Chairperson of the committee for the MA in Cultural Studies |
2006 |
Chairperson of the committee for selecting a candidate for the position of a senior staff member in Cinema Studies |
2006 |
Member, committee for the MA in Democratic Studies |
2006 |
Head of the MA program in Cultural Studies |

List of Publications
1. |
Amos Oz: Monography (Tel-Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1980, Hebrew). |
2. |
"Hirbet Hizaa" and The Morning After (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad & The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel-Aviv University, 1983, Hebrew). |
3. |
Literature and Ideology in Eretz Yisrael in the Thirties (Tel-Aviv: The Open University, 1988, Hebrew). |
4. |
Motion Fiction: Literature and Cinema (Tel-Aviv: The Open University, 1993, Hebrew). |
5. |
Captive of a Dream: National Myths in Israeli Culture (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1995, Hebrew). [Translated and revised as Myths in Israeli Culture (London: Vallentine Mitchell, Parker-Wiener Series, Parkes Center, University of Southampton & Wiener Library, 2000)]. |
6. |
Not From Here (El Ma Shenamog) (Tel Aviv: Am Oved (Ofakim), 1997, Hebrew). [To be translated and published by Los Angeles University Press, part of the series Contraversion: Jews and Other Differences]. |
7. |
Holocaust Survivors, Aliens and Others in Israeli Cinema and Literature (Tel Aviv: Am Oved (Ofakim), The Open University, 2004, Hebrew). |
8. |
Landscape in Mist: Space and Memory in Palestinian Cinema (with George Khleifi (Tel Aviv: Am Oved and the Open University, 2006, Hebrew). |
9. |
Space and Memory in Palestinian Cinema (with George Khleifi) (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press and Indiana University Press, in print). |

Edited Books
1. |
Perspectives on: Culture and Society in Israel (Tel-Aviv: The Open University, 1988, Hebrew). |
2. |
Fictive Looks on Israeli Cinema (with co-editors Orly Lubin & Judd Ne’eman) (Tel Aviv: The Open University, 1998, Hebrew). |

1. |
"Theater for Children and Youth," Bamah, 60 (113) (Winter 1974), 105-116 (Hebrew). |
2. |
"Life and the Theater in the Plays of Pirandello," Bamah 61-62 (114-115); "Life and the Theater in the plays of Pirandello/Continued," Bamah 63 (116), 32-41; "Life and the Theater in the Plays of Pirandello/End," Bamah (117-118), 43-52 (1974, Hebrew). |
3. |
"The Large Woman from the Dreams by Yehoshua Knaz," Siman Kriah, 5 (February 1976), 451-454 (Hebrew). |
4. |
"'On The Hill of Evil Counsel' by Amos Oz," Siman Kriah, 5 (February 1976), 389-396 (Hebrew). |
5. |
"A Study of My Michael by Amos Oz," Hasifrut, 22 (April 1976), 1-17 (Hebrew with English summary). |
6. |
"Dramatic Event and Other Times/Affinities in the Fiction of Oz, Yehoshua and Cahana-Carmon," Siman Kriah, 6 (May 1976), 380-393 (Hebrew). |
7. |
"Literature, Society, History/Aspects of Actuality in the Fiction of A.B. Yehoshua," Siman Kriah, 9 (May 1979), 422-433 (Hebrew). |
8. |
"Changes in Hebrew Literature: The Transition from the Palmach Generation to the Generation of the Sixties," Hasifrut, 29 (December 1980), 65-75 (Hebrew with English summary). |
9. |
"Israeli Novelist," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 17 (Fall 1980), 66-67. Revised version appeared in American Book Review, 7, 3 (March-April 1985), 8-9.
Also published in Jenifer Baise, ed., Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (Gale Group, 2000). |
10. |
"The Function of Parody in Literary Evolution," Siman Kriah, 12/13 (February 1981), 272-309 (Hebrew). |
11. |
"Between Ideology and Literature - The Canaanite Group," Milat a, 1983, 377-400 (Hebrew with English summary).
Revised version appeared as "The Canaanite Group," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 48 (Fall, 1988), 46-62. |
12. |
"The Few Against the Many: Rhetoric and Structure in Begin's Election Speeches," Siman Kriah, 16/17 (April 1983), 106-114 (Hebrew).
Translated and revised edition appeared in The Jerusalem Quarterly, 30 (Winter, 1984), 94-104. |
13. |
"The Tammuz Myth: Modernism, Nationality and Canaanism in the Poetry of Ratosh," Hasifrut, 2:(34) (Summer 1985), 141-126 (Hebrew with English summary). |
14. |
"In an Eternal Present Without Hope, Without Memories," Igra, 2, 1985/6, 263-298 (Hebrew). |
15. |
"Social Myths in Literary and Political Texts," Poetics Today, 7(4), 1986, 621-639. Revised version in Sociocriticism, III, 2 (6) 1988, 37-61.
Reprinted in a different version as "Social Myths," Neohelicon, 17(1), 1990, 291-29.
Hebrew version appeared in Nurith Gertz, ed., Perspectives on Culture and Society in Israel, 1988, pp. 271-284. |
16. |
"From Jerusalem to Hollywood via the 'Red Desert'," Achshav, 51-54 (Winter-Spring 1987), 293-299 (Hebrew).
Revised translation appeared as "My Michael - From Jerusalem to Hollywood via the 'Red Desert'," in Leon Yudkin, ed., Modern Hebrew Literature in English Translation (New York: Markus Wiener, 1987), pp. 139-156. |
17. |
"The Revolution that Never Was (The Modernist Prose of the Periodical 'Turim')," Literary Research Pages, 3, 1987, 175-198 (Hebrew). |
18. |
"The Political Struggle," The American Journal of Semiotics, 5, 3&4, 1987, 359-379. |
19. |
"Ideology versus Literature in the Stories of Hazaz," Prooftext, 8, 1988, 183-196. |
20. |
"From the Wide Open Spaces to the Paths in the Fields," Criticism and Interpretation, 1988, 31-52 (Hebrew). |
21. |
"The War of Independence: A Struggle Between Models in the Israeli Culture," Zionism, 14, 1989, 9-49 (Hebrew).
Translated and revised version appeared as “The Israeli War of Independence: A Struggle Between Narratives in Journalism and Literature,” S European Journal for Semiotic Studies, 5(44), 1993, 627-656. |
22. |
"Structure and Rhetoric in Journalistic Reportage from the War of Lebanon," Siman Kriah, 20, 1990, 122-132 (Hebrew).
Translated and revised version appeared as “Text and Subtext: Newspaper Coverage of the War in Lebanon,” Discours Social /Social Discourse, 7, 1-2, 1995, 121-134 |
23. |
"Changes in Ideological Models," Semiotica, 86, 3/4, 1991, 247-275. |
24. |
"'Mr.Mani' and 'Avanti Popolo,'" Siman Kriah, 22 (July 1991), 343-348. |
25. |
"A World Without Boundaries, Israeli National Identity in the Eighties as Expressed in Cinema & Literature," Discourse Social/Social Discourse, 4, 3&4, (Summer-Autumn 1992), 155-171.
Hebrew version appeared as “A World Without Boundaries - Israeli and Arab Identities in Israeli Cinema and Literature of the 1980s,” in Anita Shapira, ed., Independence: The First Fifty Years (Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 1998), 513-527. |
26. |
“Grossman’s The Smile of the Lamb: in Quest of Authentic Humanity,” Hebrew Studies, 34, 1993, 79-98. |
27. |
“From Destruction to Redemption: Israeli Literature and Cinema 1960-1990,” Shofar 13, 1 (Fall 1994), 55-67. |
28. |
“Imprisoning the National Identity: The West Bank in the Smile of the Lamb (The Book and the Film) and the Yellow Wind,” Contemporary Theater Review, 312, 1995, 193-207. |
29. |
“Routine and Normalcy as Objects of Desire: Israel and the 1991 Gulf War. (cinema, television, political speeches and advertisement),” Israel Affairs, 4, 4 (Summer 1995), 128-149. |
30. |
“The Book and the Film: A Case Study of He Walked Through the Fields,” Modern Hebrew Literature, 15 (Fall/Winter 1995), 22-27.
Translated and revised version of "No Longer the Same Fields," Sratim, 3 (April, 1987), 20-29 (Hebrew). |
31. |
“Woman - the Image of the “Other” in Israeli Cinema,” Literature/Film Quarterly, 4, 1996, 1, 39-46. |
32. |
“Historical Memory: Israeli Cinema and Literature in the 1980s and 1990s,” in Kevin Avruch & Walter P. Zenner, eds. Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion, and Government: Books on Israel, 4 (New York: State University of New York Press, 1997), 200-226. |
33. |
“From Jew to Hebrew: The Zionist "Narrative" in the Israeli Cinema of the 1940s and 1950s,” Israel Affairs, 4, 3&4 (Spring/Summer 1998), 175-200.
A different version appeared as “The Others in Israeli Cinema of the 1940s and 1950s” in Kamel Abdel Malek & David Jacobson, eds., Israeli and Palestinian Identities in History and Literature (New York: St Martin Press, 1999), 35-62.
Appeared in Hebrew as “The Zionist Narrative in the Israeli Cinema of the 1940s and 1950s,” in Mordechai Bar On, ed., Etgar Haribonut: Thought and Creation in the First Years of the State (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 1999), 286-307.
A different version appeared as “The Others in the Films of the 1940s and 1950s: Arabs, Women, Holocaust Survivors,” in Nurith Gertz, Orli Lubin & Judd Ne’eman, eds., Fictive Looks - On Israeli Cinema (Tel Aviv: The Open University, 1998), 381-403.
Also published as a book: In Search of Identity: Jewish Aspects in Israeli Culture (London: Frank Cass). |
34. |
“Zionism, the Kibutz and the Shtetle: The Struggle for the Souls of the New Immigrants in Hanoch Bartov’s book Each Has Six Wings,” Iyunim Bitkumat Israel: Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 8, 1998, 498-522 (Hebrew). |
35. |
“The Medium that Mistook itself for War: Cherry Season in Comparison with Ricochets and Cup Final,” Israel Studies, 4, 1 (Spring 1999), 153-175.
Hebrew versions appeared as “The War that Never Was: Time for Cherries as Compared to Ricochets and Cup Final,” in Nurith Gertz, Orly Lubin & Judd Ne’eman, eds., Fictive Looks on Israeli Cinema (Tel Aviv: The Open University, 1998), pp. 67-91; and “The Medium that Mistook itself for the Media: Time for Cherries as Compared to Ricochets and Cup Final,” in Nurith Gertz, Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman, eds., Assaph (The Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University), 1, 1998, 33-59. |
36. |
“The Israeli Cinema: a Masculine Geography,” Motar, The Faculty of the Arts, 7, 1999, 81-89 (Hebrew). |
37. |
“Another Place: Masculine and Feminine Space in the Cinema of Michel Khleife,” Theory and Criticism, 18 (Spring 2001), 155-175 (Hebrew). |
38. |
“The Stone on the Top of the Mountain: The Films of Rashid Mashrawi,” Zmanim, 75 (Summer 2001), 60-67 (Hebrew). |
39. |
“Gender and Geography in the New Israeli Cinema,” in Nurith Gertz, Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman, eds. Assaph (The Faculty of the Arts), 2, 2001, 227-247. |
40. |
“The Israeli Vision and the Yiddish Spectacle in The Last Love of Laura Adler” Motar (The Faculty of the Arts), 2001, 19-23 (Hebrew). |
41. |
"Space and Gender in the New Israeli and Palestinian Cinema," Prooftext – Journal of Jewish Literary History (Special Issue: The Cinema of Jewish Experience), 22, 1-2 (Winter/Spring 2002) 157-185. |
42. |
“The Early Israeli Cinema as Silencer of Memory,” in Nurith Gertz, Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman, eds., Assaph (The Faculty of the Arts), 2002, 3. |
43. |
“Gender and Space in the new Israeli Cinema," Shofar (Special Issue on Jewish Cinema), 21, 2003, 1. |
44. |
"Palestinian Cinema: Memories and Lost Scenes" (with George Khleifi), Masharef, 20, 2003 (Arabic). |
45. |
"Bleeding Memories: Examining Cinematographic treatment of Trauma by Palestinian film Makers" (with George Khleifi), Palestine – Israel Journal 10, 4, 2003, 105-113. |
46. |
"The Stone at the Top of the Mountain: The Films of Rashid Masharawi," Journal of Palestine Studies 34, 1 (Autumn 2004), 24-36. |
47. |
"Road without Exit," Masharef 25 (Summer 2004), 125-171 (Arabic). |
48. |
"Trauma, Time and Space: the Palestinian Cinema in the Seventies" (with George Khleifi), Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly 92 (Autumn 2005) 36-44. |
49. |
"Memory and Scope in Palestinian Cinema" (with George Khleifi), Masharef 28 (Autumn 2005) (Arabic). |
50. |
"Roadblock Palestinian Movies" (with George Khleifi), Geopolitics 10, 2, Summer 2005, 316-334. |
51. |
"Israeli Early Documentary Films," Shofar 24, 1, Fall 2005, 67-81. |
52. |
"His landscapes and my landscapes," Israel: History, Culture, Society: special issue on Amos Oz, 7, 2005, 211-218. |
53. |
"From Bleeding Memories to Fertile Memories: Palestinian Cinema" (with George Khleifi), Third Text 20, 3-4, May-July 2006. |
In Print
"History’s Broken Wings: ‘Narrative Paralysis’ as Resistance to History in Amos Gitai’s Film Kedma" (with Gal Hermoni), Framework 49, 1, Spring 2008. |

Chapters in Books
1. |
"Literature, Ideology and Society: Systems and Mediating Systems," in Tosso Barbe, ed., Semiotics Unfolding, Selected articles from the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton Publishers, 1983), pp. 491-505. |
2. |
"Literature and Society in Crisis," in Francis Barker, ed., Confronting the Crisis, Selected articles of the Essex Sociology of Literature Conference, July 1983 (1984), pp. 131-140. |
3. |
"Social Ideology and Thematic Structure," in History and the Novel, Proceedings of the IXth Congress of the ICLA, Innsbruck (1984), pp. 300-307. |
4. |
"Poetry and Ideology: Interrelations Between Autonomous Systems," in Claudio Guillem, ed., Comparative Poetics, Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the ICLA (New York: Garland, 1985), pp. 421-428. |
5. |
"The Eretz Yisrael Stories of the Thirties - Between Nationality and Universality," Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress on Jewish Studies, Section C (1986), pp. 279-286 (Hebrew). |
6. |
"Propaganda Style of Election Ads from 1977 to 1984," in Asher Arian and Michal Shamir, eds., The Elections in Israel 1984 (Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 1986), pp. 209-233. |
7. |
"The Impact of the Holocaust on Israeli Ideological Models," Remembering for the future (Oxford & New-York: Pergamon Press, 1988), pp. 132-139. |
8. |
"National Identity and the Image of the Other," Space and Boundaries, The Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, 2, 1988, pp. 77-83. |
9. |
"Female Images and their Breakdown in Literature and the Cinema," in Jeff Bernard, Theresia Klugsberger & Gloria Withalm, eds., Semiotik Der Geschlechter, 1989, pp. 169-174. |
10. |
"From General Zionism to Labor Movement Zionism," in Pinchas Genossar, ed., Hebrew Literature and the Labor Movement (Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press, 1989), pp. 243-265 (Hebrew). |
11. |
"Canaanite Anti Zionism in Hebrew Literature," in Haim Avni & Gideon Shimoni, eds., Zionism and Its opponents (Jerusalem: Zionist Library, 1990), pp. 333-350 (Hebrew). |
12. |
"The Kibbutz in Literature, Itzak Ben-Ber's ‘Attalya’," in Shimon Shor, ed., Telling the Story of the Kibbutz (Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1990), pp. 205-216 (Hebrew). |
13. |
“Literature and Cinema in Israel in the 1980’s,” in Doron Kiesel, ed., Because of that War: perspective on Israeli Cinema (Marburg: Schuren, 1993), pp. 9-27 (German). |
14. |
"Amos Oz and Izhak Ben Ner: The Image of the Woman in Literary Works and as Transvalued in Film Adaptations," in Leon Yudkin, ed., Israeli Writers Consider the Outsider (Rotherford and New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickenson Associated University presses, 1993). |
15. |
“A Different History,” in Nitsa Ben Dov, ed., In the Opposite Direction: Articles on Mr. Mani by A.B. Yehoshua (Tel Aviv: HaKibbutz Hameuchad, 1995), pp. 307-324 (Hebrew). |
16. |
“A Person of His Time,” in Nitza Ben Ari, ed., Devarim Le’Yizhar (Tel Aviv: Zmora-Bitan, 1996), pp. 47-77 (Hebrew). |
17. |
“ ‘From Darkness to Light’ - The Zionist Narrative in Searing Light,” in Yizhak Ben Mordechai & Iris Parush, eds., Between Frost and Smoke (Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University, 1997), pp. 125-145 (Hebrew). |
18. |
“The Place of the Holocaust Survivor in Yehudit Hendel’s story ‘They are Different People’,” in Ziva Ben Porat, ed., An Overcoat for Benjamin: Literature/Meaning/Culture 24 (Tel Aviv: Porter Institute and Hakibuz Hameuhad, 1998), pp. 150-170 (Hebrew). |
19. |
“The Security Narrative in Israeli Literature and Cinema,” in Dan Jacobson & Daniel Bartal, eds., Security Concerns (New York: JAI Press, 1998), pp. 193-215. |
20. |
“Israeli Cinema in the 1960s,” in Hana Yablonka and Binyamin Veksler, eds., Idan: The Second Decade (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 2000), pp. 279-298 (Hebrew) |
21. |
“The Myth of Masculinity Reflected in Israeli Cinema” in Glenda Abramson, ed., Modern Jewish Mythologies (Cincinnati: Hebrew College Press, 2000). |
22. |
“ ‘I am Other’: The Holocaust Survivor's Point of View in Yehudit Hendel's Short Story ‘They are Others’" in Debora Dash Moore and Ilan Troen, eds., Divergent Jewish Cultures: American and Israeli Jewry Since the Holocaust (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001), pp. 217-237. |
23. |
“Under the Surface: on the Story beneath Rut Almog’s Stories,” in Yigal Schwartz, ed., Literature and Society in Modern Hebrew Culture: Paper in Honor of Gershon Shaked (Tel Aviv: Keter & Hakibuz Hameuhad, 2002), pp. 316 (Hebrew). |
24. |
“Beyond the Borders: The Holocaust Survivors in the Israeli Literature” in Israel Bartal, ed., A Century of Israeli Culture, 177-197 (Jerusalem: Magness Press, 2002) (Hebrew). |
25. |
“Who is a Jew? Discussion of Dan Ben Amotz’s Novel, To Remember, To Forget, in William Cutler & David Jacobson, eds., History and Literature: New Readings of Jewish Texts in Honor of Arnold J. Band (Providence: Brown Judaic Studies, 2002). |
26. |
"Lentre exile et patrie: Les films d'Elia Suleiman" (with George Khleifi), in Janine Halbreic-Euvrard, ed., Israeliens, Palestiniens que peut le cinema (Paris: Michalon, 2005), pp. 139-146. |
27. |
"Le rocher au sommet de la montagne: Les films de Rashid Masharawi," in Janine Halbreic-Euvrard, ed., Israeliens, Palestiniens que peut le cinema (Paris: Michalon, 2005), pp. 27-32. |
28. |
"Les Films 'barrages routiers' " (with George Khleifi), in Janine Halbreic-Euvrard, ed., Israeliens, Palestiniens que peut le cinema (Paris: Michalon, 2005), 65-76. |
29. |
“Lost Memories and Spaces: Palestinian Cinema and Literature” (with George Khleifi), in Shlomo Zand and Moshe Zimerman, eds., Cinema in History, History in Cinema (Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2005), 361-381 (Hebrew). |
30. |
"Conflict and art," in Rahamim Yehezkel and Bar Tal Daniel, eds., Socialization for a conflict in a Jewish Israeli society (Walter Libech Institute, Tel Aviv University, 2006), pp. 31-33 (Hebrew). |
31. |
“The Cinema of Michel Khleifi” (with George Khleifi), in Hamid Dabashi, ed., Dreams of a nation: on Palestinian Cinema (2006). |
32. |
"Israeli Cinema – Hebrew Identity/Jewish Identity" (with Yael Munk), in Dan Miron and Hanan Hever,eds., New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Era – An Encyclopedic View, Book 3 - Literature & Arts (Jerusalem: Keter, 2007, Hebrew). |
33. |
"Another Space Another Time: Literature of Holocaust Survivors,” in Hanan Hever, ed., A Moment of Birth: Studies in Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures in Honor of an Miron (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2007, Hebrew). |
Accepted for publication
1. |
“Women Wait Outside: Three Days and a Child and My Michael,” in Miri Talmon and Moshe Zimerman, eds., “Mezizim” and Other Israelis (Tel Aviv: The Open University, Hebrew). |
2 |
"Chronicle of Palestinian Cinema" (with George Khleifi), in Josef Gugler,ed., Film and Politics in the Middle East (Texas UP & MESA, 2008). |
3. |
"Tale of the Three Jewels” (with George Khleifi), in Josef Gugler,ed., Film and Politics in the Middle East (Texas UP & MESA, 2008). |
4. |
"Kedma by Amos Gitai" (with Gal Hermoni and Yael Munk), in Josef Gugler,ed., Film and Politics in the Middle East (Texas UP & MESA, 2008). |
5. |
"The Israeli Cinema in the 3rd Decade of the State" (with Yael Munk), in Zvi Zameret and Hanna Yablonka, eds., Cathedra (2008, Hebrew). |
"The Lost Battle: Israeli War of Independence in Israeli Film and Literature" (with Gal Hermoni, Yael Munk). |

1. |
"The Good Days," in Wartime (Tel-Aviv: Center for Culture and Education, 1974), 138-140 (Hebrew). |
2. |
"Politique et litterature, romanciers israeliens temoins de l'angoisse," Le monde diplonatique (Avril 1979), 11. |
3. |
"Literature Soaked in Blood," Migvan, (August-September 1980), 59-61 (Hebrew). |
4. |
"'Hirbet Hizaa' and 'The Morning After'," Modern Hebrew Literature, 11, 1-2 (Fall/Winter 1985), 16-21. |
5. |
"S. Yizhar and the Literature of the Thirties," Hadoar, C, 1985, 16-18 (Hebrew). |
6. |
"Suddenly a Bullet Shrieked," Mifgash, 3 (Spring 1986), 30-33 (Hebrew). |
7. |
"From Kafka to Hazaz: Expressionism in the Service of the Struggle against Zionist Ideology," Hadoar (May 1986), 14-16 (Hebrew). |
8. |
"Literature and Ideology (in the Eretz Yisrael of the Thirties)," Iton 77, 84-85 (Shevat-Adar 1987), 77-81 (Hebrew). |
9. |
"Hebraism, Judaism, Humanism," Moznaim, 5-6 (September-October 1987), 12-15 (Hebrew). |
10. |
"Menashe Levine: An Epilogue," in Menashe Levine: A Water Wheel in Spring (Tel-Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1987), 174-177 (Hebrew). |
11. |
“Leaders’ Language and Television Language in the Gulf War,” in Pseifas (1994, Hebrew). |
12. |
“Yafo that Never Was,” in Haim Nagid, ed., Gag: Literary Periodical, 1998, 76-80 (Hebrew) |
13. |
“Feminine Teaching, Feminine Writing” in Pnina Peri, ed., Women Teaching and the Israeli Society (Tel Aviv: Hakibuz Hameuchad, 2002). |
14. |
"The Israeli Cinema: A Zionist History of a Masculine Geography," Israeli Issues, 8 (2002, Arabic). |
15. |
"From With His Own Hands to Another Place," Basha'ar 1, 38-41 (n.d., Hebrew). |

Encyclopedia Items
1. |
‘Sadeh, Pinchas’, The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Vol. 31 (Jerusalem: The Society for Publishing Encyclopedias, 1979, Hebrew). |
2. |
‘Tamuz, Benjamin’, The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Vol. 32 (Jerusalem: The Society for Publishing Encyclopedias, 1979, Hebrew). |
3. |
‘Yehoshua, A.B.’, The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Supplementary Volume (Jerusalem: The Society for Publishing Encyclopedias, 1983, Hebrew). |
4. |
‘Knaz, Yehoshua’, The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Supplementary Volume (Jerusalem: The Society for Publishing Encyclopedias, 1983, Hebrew). |
5. |
‘Oz, Amos’, The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Supplementary Volume (Jerusalem: The Society for Publishing Encyclopedias, 1983, Hebrew). |

"The Representation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflictin Israeli Cinema" (with Yael Munk), Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, ed., Cheryl Rubenberg (Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007). |
In print
“Jewish Israeli Cinema” (with Yael Munk), Hever, Hanan, Miron, Dan, eds., Encyclopedia of Jewish Secular Culture: Literature, Art, Culture section (Hebrew and English). |
“The Israeli Palestinian Conflict in Israeli Cinema” (with Yael Munk), Encyclopedia of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict. |
“The Israeli Palestinian Conflict in Palestinian Cinema” (with George Khleifi), Encyclopedia of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict. |
“Israeli Culture After the War of Independence,” Hever, Hanan, Miron, Dan, eds., Encyclopedia of Jewish Secular Culture: Literature, Art, Culture Section (Hebrew and English). |

"From Text to Literary Model," Zmanim, 16 (Fall 1984), 98-99 (Hebrew). |

Editor of Journal Issues
1994 |
Pseifas, Tel Aviv: the Open University. |
1995 |
Pseifas: War and Peace, Tel Aviv: The Open University. |
1998 |
Assaph 1 (with co-editors Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman), The Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University. |
1999-2001 |
Co editor, Kesher, a Journal of Communication, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew). |
1999 |
Guest Editor of a special section, “Films in Israeli Society,” Israel Studies, 4, 1 (Spring). |
2001 |
Assaph 2 (with co-editors Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman), The Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University. |
2001 - |
Co-Editor, Israel (Hazionut), The Chaim Weizman Institute for the Study of Zionism, Tel Aviv University. |
2002- |
Co-Editor, Eshkolot: a Series of Books on Theoretical Issues, Magnes & Levi Eshkol Institute for Social, Economic and Political Research in Israel, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Hebrew University. |
2005 |
Israel: History, Culture, Society: Special issue on Amos Oz, 7. |
2005 |
Shofar: Special issue on Israeli Cinema. |
Assaph 3 (with co-editors: Orli Lubin, Judd Ne’eman & Michal Friedman), The Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University. |
Israeli and Palestinian Cinema, Guest Editor, Shofar 21, 3. |
Anthology of Primary Sources, Documents, Texts, and Articles, 10 (with co-editor Debora Dash More), Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization. |

Open University Courses (in Hebrew)
1983 |
Israeli Fiction of the Sixties |
1986 |
The Canaanite Group (in collaboration with Rahel Weisbrod) |
1987 |
Literature and Ideology in Eretz Yisrael during the Thirties |
1993 |
Israeli literature and its Adaptation for the Cinema |
1995 |
Film Art: The Technique and Poetics of Cinematic Expression (Academic consultant to Ilan Avisar) |
1996 |
Just Childhood: Introduction to Poetics of Children Literature (Academic consultant to Zohar Shavit) |
1996 |
Changes in Israeli Poetry in the Fifties (Academic consultant to Rachel Weisbrod) |
1999 |
Myths in Israeli Culture |
2000 |
Understanding Movies (Senior Academic Advisor) |
2000 |
The History of the Cinema (Part 1) (Senior Academic Advisor) |
2000 |
Israeli Cinema Between East and West (Senior Academic Advisor) |
2000 |
An Introduction to the Visual Arts (Academic consultant to Alec Mishory) |
2001 |
History and Cinema (Academic consultant to Shlomo Zand) |
2002 |
Holocaust and Holocaust Survivors in the Israeli Culture |
2005 |
Palestinian Cinema |
2007 |
Genres and sub genres (Senior Academic Advisor) |
Forthcoming |
The History of the Cinema (Part 2) (Senior Academic Advisor) |
Forthcoming |
Memory, Trauma and Fantasy in American Cinema (Senior Academic Advisor) |
Forthcoming |
The Secular Hebrew Poetry in Spain in the Middle Ages (Academic consultant to Shulamit Elizur) |
Forthcoming |
Communication as Culture (Academic consultant to Tamar Liebes, Miri Talmon & Amit Kama) |
Forthcoming |
Myths in Israeli History and Cinema (Academic consultant to Anita Shapira). |
Forthcoming |
Theory of Literature and Culture (Senior academic advisor to Hana Herzig) |
